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 The Moor contains strongly helping of my a few strong enemies, can quick set set up a pay more than ten myriad people of the hussar troops , with the crack teacher, suddenly start general offensive to me in day of front.Ear and Er and the front line of Ba Ke Tu in the court, there is warfare occurrence in everywhere, pull representative director, Ma Xiu, of the Si mountain range defense net especially.Objective case, the court expects a positive pair of a gram of diagram base fielding brigade great commander Louis Si and Zuo Luo, all have already fallen into bitter struggle.
Intention of the Moor is very obvious:Transportation line in African Continent that cuts off me expels our Sahara Desert that the horde excels a battle, and take this as to rely on, to I a few nails of the interior region in African Continent popular bottom launch aggression, the dint diagram subjugates Ba Ke Tu's base in the court, then expels we black mainland, rush through into ocean.
They really good at choice battlefield.On the water, I can the elephant strangle to death ant similar strangle to death Moor, the ant soldier's number is again many, also always is an ant;But the inner part in African Continent, the Sahara Desert of especially harsh existence environment, faces 100,000 many come and go such as the breeze bawl at crazy call of Moor nomad's way of life hussar, we really have no way.They are in the desert of visit a soul, equip javelin and knife sword, almost no one wears battle armor, the whole troops almost constitute to°from the hussar, and the flexibility makes people surprise.Ma Xiu.Objective case, Louis Si, Zuo Luo, what they can make, only rely on encampment and city wall and make use of the power of fire gun heavy artillery and unwillingly guard a few bases, but link up mainland transportation lines in it and have already been easily broken off with hand by the Moor.
Thus, ear and Er harbor and pull small pirates of Si mountain range especially, have already been placed in an environment of isolated closing, around is European different countries and Moor tiger to see Dan Dan, mainland transportation ruptures, replenishment shortage, the situation is in great danger!
The base saw a crisis.For opening logjam, the court expected a gram of diagram base fielding brigade to try to attack at a time.20,000 people draw up, the 2 long pikes heavy infantry regiment is 12000 people, 2 camp armors mount sudden attack 4000 soldiers, the fire gun camp is 1000 people, the artillery camp is 1000 people, grow bow camp 2000 people, all Ba Ke Tu in the court, look for a machine Jian enemy.
Leave city 30 insides, the Mo Er rides a soldier to bump.
Luo, Mr. Ge, believes up and describes very in detail:"Sky just bright, Moor concentrate the hussar carried on to mount sudden attack to the battlefield of our army, their number was numerous, the elephant tidewater was similar from the all directions since then.The infantry shoulder of two of our long pikes heavy infantry regiment is shoulder to shoulder used to protect shield and long the pike line up into intensively hollow phalanx, "the elephant wall is firm, as strong and tough as an ice".The armor mounts sudden attack soldier in the center and protect a protection weak, but is also us victorious of the only hope place-fire gun camp, artillery camp, long bow camp.The Moor rode a soldier to launch one to connect an impact, our weigh the shield of infantry be been ground by the shot, the long pike breaks, the armor mounts sudden attack a soldier to finally even chop down ax blades book, but determinedly don't give way, they directly face Mo Er to ride soldier strong impact and die or injure miserably heavy.Phalanx heart, our long range attack the soldier grow a station at the soil ascent on, without intermission attackstone, the arms and supplies together blares, the benefit arrows laceration vast sky, Moor same corpse the horizontal time is wild.Two soldiers aroused to fight for livelong day, Moor's riding a taking the offensive of soldiers was beaten off.At the time that twilight condescended to come, Zuo Luo came together all armors to mount sudden attack soldier since right wing backstroke, shot Kui already the morale fall low of the Mo Er ride the soldier's array.The Louis Si takes advantage o power to flick teacher to offend toward enemy's soldier this, decapitate 30,000 remaining.But because the night view obstructed further making track for of the our army shot, and then lacked the soldier of flexibility Gao to grow, the hussar of the Moor big department can star the night withdraw and avoid more great damage.Fight although with Louis Si Zuo Luo and the victory of base fielding brigade come to an end,have never attained to decisive battle with enemy, the strategic purpose of the whole Jian Moor main force.Kill enemy's 30,000 remainings, my main soldier of base fielding brigade grows heavy infantry regiment and armor of long pike to mount sudden attack a camp to also reduce member 5,000 people, have no dint again take the offensive.Mainland transportation line is broken off with hand, 12 line troopses were partitioned an ambient crisis don't be alleviated."
The end of Luo, Mr. Ge, is in the letter self-reproach way:"I am a base representative director, don't beat good this battle, let a base sorry gold tooth down, but the situation is urgent now, Luo's space doesn't dare to resign for the blame to result in situation of more confusion, however have to with all one's heart protect Ba Ke Tu in the court, after needing a situation stability again punish.Hope a gold tooth to soon return, base person all look forward to hope you in the heat can come back to manage general situation."

Volume 2 big voyage ages V chapter 194 surgical operation
Renew time:2009-4-314:50:55 chapter word numbers:2117

I sigh a way:"Luo, Mr. Ge, after all is do diplomacy to be from, on meeting a warfare, unexpectedly some Be getting more panic."
Sea devil king Fu Lang west the Si·The virtuous thunder gram is more many but, anxious and fretfully say:"Gold tooth you must quicker decision, give the Moor a painful shot."
I comprehend his mood.His friend and confident under charge Ma Xiu.The objective case is responsible for two lines pull the defence capabilities of Si mountain range especially, have already been besieged now.Attention public way:"How do you see?"
Red beard Hilton,beats by dre pro.The thunder Si stand stand hand helpless way:"They don't get to Niger river neighborhood, our fleets are good for nothing."
The reckless black beard moxa ascends.The thunder Si teacher fists a fist way:"Luo's space not is say isn't the troops enough?We gather all water soldiers to go ashore and constitute land battle troops to beat his Moor in dog day at the time!"
"That how haven't you go yet to do?"I ask a way.In fact I don't agree with to their proposals, seeing to my captains on the water can attain to stir up trouble and beat experience of land war but slightly more or less not enough, there is consequently no good suggestion.See red female pirate how to say Carter Lin Nuo?
Carter Lin Nuo sees the look in the eyes that I use to devote one's mind looking at her and generously returning to my[one] open smiling face way:"Use water soldier's fighting land battle is to will never be viable, is besides completely the big desert that is doing not adapt to again in.Everyone discusses around, the suggestion for putting forward feels that all being unsuited to is proper, so wait you to come back to make to make firm decision."
I a smile:"The fleet excels to battle in the ocean and bums Mo Er to then ride the soldier's patent in the desert.We even if not ability riding of Moor the soldier pull ocean, also should not leave ocean to desert, that equals to completely give up own advantage, in an environment that doesn't acquaint with very much hard struggle, not wise choice.Please take a map for me."
On the table, map even stand's my finger easily finds out a few places and lightly pounds there, the wood table sends out clear and crisp"Du Du" voice.
"Ten several ten thousand Moors eat and drink, the material needs to be added, the pressure of logistic top is definitely very big every day?Need not our strong armed fleets why, attackstone this how many places?Here ……here ……can is all warship cannon the tentacle is within the reach of of place!"
Everyone gathers together table to left for to see and see the place that my finger orders, all noodles dew happy expression.
The black beard"Pa" ground strongly claps oneself for a while head:"How do I have never thought?So simple affair!"
The red beard sneers at him:"Moxa's ascending you after the event is again intelligent.The problem-solving method is usually the most simple, as long as canning attain effect, it woulds be had better.But this simple method, be not who can seek of come out.At least, you I all just have never thoughted of this one step!"
Black beard eyes a stare:"Hilton you and then in the Kua he!Good elephant I not painful this disciple!"
I put a hand modest way:"Only change a way of thinking just, the nothing important can cry up."
Sea devil king Fu Lang west the Si·The virtuous thunder gram was the most happy, I this with hand a , the Fu Lang west Si·The virtuous thunder gram then sees Ma Xiu.The objective case brothers lives the hope of life.But Carter Lin Nuo delicately reminds me way by special woman:"But with like this of the route attackstone Moor, but to Ma Xiu who is involved in several depths besieged.Objective case department some help also has no, in the short run, Ma Xiu Bu wants to face several ten thousand cruel as predatory animal Mo Ers to ride a soldier to inherit Rao alone, don't know as well, he exactly support don't support of live?"
A words of Carter Lin Nuo again Fu Lang west the Si·The virtuous thunder gram says the complexion deliver black.
"Support live and support, can not hold up to also want to support!Even if is that leave Ma Xiu.The objective case is one person, I also desperately make him Related articles:

