
beats by dre studio predicts Sett

The tonight probes one more of Qin Ling, before the jewelry line seeks their matter, we had better have a little result, otherwise, hereafter be up asked down, we were difficult!"Is strong however one mouthful the stem exert the tea in the hand, light way.
2 people left wine shop in quick time.
The color of the sky led midnight, 2 people also had no what want to prepare of, receiving the material that the noodles is used that is all take on the body at any time, when 2 people soon arrived to Qin Ling, but left Qin Ling's manor to still have very far distance then spread an earthquake for sky in the ear of kill a voice.
Two human face face reading the Qu stopped down.
"Can't so Qiao,beats by dre studio!"Is strong however exaggeratedly looking at a far far red sky, the voice spreads from that direction, is also Qin Ling's manor there.
" Isn't the person whom the jewelry goes, the jewelry goes of Luo easily isn't the news that just spreads in the morning to say is he facing a river?The jewelry go under the sistuation that don't start out how many main personnels, dare to seek Qin Ling's business?"The firewood Hao month will never believe that this predicts.
"Settle however have what we don't know of affair.Is "strong however affirmative way, " still going to and sees, perhaps isn't a jewelry pedestrian!"
"Impossibly, this time also only the jewelry go of the person will seek Qin Ling's trouble, Qin Ling provokes by himself/herself of disaster, the other people be still unlikely and take the offensive Qin Ling now, want to seek their businesses, early should begin."Firewood Hao the month surmise to the activity that the jewelry goes very accurate.
However, his guess be still to.
Luo easily called a , a few boys had no a rushing toward of life sort into Qin Ling's manor, he is also not slow by himself, body in a flash, on the first manorial fence.
Qin Ling's person how can't thought of, oneself is still calculating of person, have already arrived a family front, and, the milli- Don't mention it makes moves be kill to recruit.
The Xiao gram Wei is more simple, since not is a sneak attack, also not is above board call, that with hit a son don't distinguish, he sees young boys all and flies a body on the wall, he thinks he to don't so drop price and walked to front door before, once the right Zhang lift, true the spirit quickly coagulates, a Zhang lightly presses, green long grass suddenly and violently Shan, eight inch empress of of Nan wood front door in the middle of being an and astoundingly bellowing, four shoot deep-fried open, as if cover with to spend rain, arouse to shoot but lead, a few boys leave of Be getting nearer, drive lead the unclearly livinging of the sawdust shot of body is painful.In the heart secretly and suddenly tongue, old guy of inside is the achievement still really a little bit astonishing!
Originally wanted to kill two people first on going in come of, he so on making, let easily several individuals of Luo had to give up this mind, crowd can see upsurge, Luo easily loved a side of blood to present again right away.
The way soliloquized in mouth:"Don't blame me, you really held up my road, there is originally also amount of company, all what rubbish have no today!"
Eyes see don't see others of side all act as well, he flew a body to descend fence, incredibly rushed toward into Feng to hug but comer.
How many under charges see, get a shock, their of course not was worried that lord in the island will have what dangerous, can be so easy of begin, even a words all have no, seem to be a little bit to be unsuited to rules, the at the thought of island lord when wants to press the rules?All of them is in the hearts on smiling, wasn't slowly either to rushed toward into, however, they didn't forget the explaination of lord in the island, the application of appearance should although keep its efficiently sex.
First arrive to the spot of, since not is a manorial guard, also isn't those people of tallest fighting skill, but Qin Ling who just prepared and went out to carry out a task's the most mysterious young men.
Seeing someone incredibly and openly defiant actly rush to come in is a clay doll to also have three cents, soil, much less they hasn't been putting others in the eye and wait with gold Hui that evening although time that the person begins isn't very short, can also feel those guys remarkable, do think those people to are his/her own opponents, have already returned the fault to more their own preparation shortages up.
"Boldly crazy Tu, seek dead not become!"Being a few is blunt quickest, have already arrived Luo easy of before the body.
Luo easily sneers at a , lightly sing a way:"The person calculates a tiger, the tiger as well calculates a person, Qin Ling's person so entertains guest of, we but make a special trip to settle with Qin Ling!"But talk is to talk, the broad sword in the hand isn't easy at all, came is homicidal of, his Qin Ling since wants to start to the jewelry line, he knows of the affair is to start first for strong, behind start to meet with calamity, their jewelry's going isn't a place that can meet with calamity.
A guy listenned to his words are to don't hear very much, the first hurtled to come in, loudly of reprimand angrily to a way:"You the fudge of his Niang what!"Once the broad sword in the hand send, basically didn't put Luo easily in the eye.
Luo is easy a vice- sad sky of pity person's appearance, way:"The brothers walks so much!"
With borrow to strongly really annoy at 1:00 also not take a lot of doing of cut open that protecting of guy body true spirit, broad sword elephant is slice into a bean curd sort of easily, one Peng the very hot blood seethe but rise, blunt the sky spread to open.
Don't exclaim, don't miserably shout, body to the both sides penny, the liver and intestines heart lung penny is two, Sa 1 ground.
Cruel means, bloody condition, blunt sky of Hao feeling of young people in a twinkling escaped from fighting for the elephant in, the function effect for moving people's heart is surprising like.
The broad sword takes back, wry smile way:"You but think that I think to be so dry, he is to seek dead, the homicide is really a painful affair."Say, also shook to shake head.
Those Qin Ling's guy, since is more shocked than him on recruiting to kill their a person, shaken by his fighting skill, is more more shocked than the means of his cruelty, kill a person to have a lot of methods, what he used is the most direct, remain dint most , can be the most bloody!
"You, you ……kill people!"A guy talks incoherently of shiver of point at to pour in the companion on the ground, the way of facial expression green ash.
Luo easily ordered to nod, way:"How, kill people of affair haven't you done?"He asks in a serious manner, who don't know what mood he is as well.
The guy for speaking up is more nerve-racking, way:"Once killed, can kill people ……"
"Like well, homicidal is homicidal, there are a lot of methods, only I like this method, are all of you Qin Ling's persons?Know me?"
That person shook to shake head, he hadn't talked, a burst of rapidly break an empty voice good spread, falling of a few figure lightning stone fires to in the place, on the lookinging at of gape ground the corpse that is cut open by a knife.Several guys of timidities all unbearable lowly head.
Luo easily accepts their reflections to the utmost eye ground, dark sigh in the heart, although is stand erect don't pour for a several a hundred years of big household, can lose advanced drive, there is no the baptism of blood, river's lake can exist so for a long time, really is an unimaginable miracle.Don't know own activity is well or bad.
The mental state of the Kou son Yin drop blood looking at to pour in the corpse on the ground, really worry what appear what, they were coming for how dealing with a somebody else, the somebody else killing to come!
"You, you how can so?"Two Chuang lord voice shiver of call way.
The cold light is one Shan in the Luo's easy eye, way:"We how?You had better the words say of a little bit understand, believe that you know farely well, why will have today's affair, afraid not to explain with me!"
Green and red soap white of the Kou son Yin face of some kind of change Huan, the mistake that is him, the jewelry pedestrian is to once do the affair that 1:00 didn't receive to Qin Ling, injured Qin Ling's benefits fame, a little evidence all has no.Can Qin Ling does of did the affair have evidence?Otherwise they why dare openly defiant act raid Qin Ling?

Under the text chapter 5 city of alliance(up)
Renew time:2009-10-2017:13:34 chapter word numbers:6047

The facial expression of the gray old doesn't arrive as well where, the rumor is what he advocates to let out, can he didn't thought of that the revenge that the jewelry goes will come so quickly and always think that the jewelry line wants to deal with Qin Ling, how all want to a little bit have scruples about, be don't want Qin Ling's influence, also want to want Qin Ling why can so stand erect don't pour for several years, can who think, stroke Related articles:

