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Think what!I am really to be worried that those kill to harm dint huge machine weapon, because although their number is our several, again how is our opponents.Fought yesterday, they were as equal as our number, we not still a while put out all of them?Because they don't have those weapons that make me worried."Mo Yan Chou doesn't conceal as well to ownly worry, direct said out, of speech for own troops was full of proud of.
"Adult, this also not is have no way, but demand certain of time.And have to there are also some craftsman matches, if you could could give me enough time,cheap dr dre beats, my arriving was a kind of attack apparatus that canned once saw in those early years I to do out."Ge Berlin is also saying with smile.

Volume 2:The chapter 144 reason of the second step development
Renew time:2009-10-1011:15:59 chapter word numbers:3227

", Is what things?"Mo Yan Chou came right away interest a while, because although Mo Yan Chou makes Ge Berlin come over, actually, morely what to embrace is the attitude for trying, after all you can hope a building master and come to and give you design armoured vehicle?
But master in Ge Berlin obviously still very to must arise from F ground the title of the Jing of, because ground Jing and dwarf be in all races, good command of an organization design most of, ignore race how, don't you still need to learn?Have no learn of words, that is really at 1:00 use also have no.
", In fact also have no what, come of road up, I listen to Anne's reaching Su to say is the other party is installing Nu arrows, I also didn't once learn too many, be once saw a design diagram that threw stone machine, is very simple, also recorded down at that time.If the adult doesn't abandon, my arriving is to direct craftsman to create several sets and presumably break the Nu arrows of the other party should still can of."Master in Ge Berlin continues to say.
After Mo Yan Chou listenned to this sentence, eyes all kept, lapidating machine, although all say in brief, the actual manufacturing bothers very much, if isn't a professional person, so even if you did a set lapidating machine according to the shape, estimate very sorry affair be, this set lapidating machine can not be used several times will thoroughly and greatly fix or direct spread in the violent activity.
"Good, master, that can please.I have already made people return to make the craftsmans come over and wait them first, and so begin to work, production ten sets eight sets of, I can live to lively batter to death them."Mo Yan Chou thoughts of satisfied place can not help again ha ha of cachinnation get up.
Two people then start happily chatting in the tent, time is slowly past, till the time in noon, Ge Berlin took leave Mo Yan Chou.
Mo Yan Chou had a meal at noon, the mood is very good now, so unexpectedly lie down a lunch break.
However is very sorry BE, how long has it been since he hadn't slept, be called, have already completely cleaned off because of the weed of of two encampments.Those dog rat person's captive be again escorted to return to encampment, everybody got an include a thick food plain wheat roll and 1 bowl sparsely can see bowl bottom of gruel ground reward.
Mo Yan Chou again rode own war horse to arrive at camp doorway, the encampment doorway faring and far looking at there also had several individuals to looking at to the this place.Took a look, discover can not see either what, and the Man is virtuous to pull in the morning they also in the sky saw about, Mo Yan Chou also turned round to return to encampment.
Immediately after of day inside, in addition to the lion Jiu rises a God to get empty the circumstance of observing the other party every day, the front door of encampment tightly shuts.And there of the gram space Bo get of the order is to tightly guard his/her own site, so in addition to stepping up to train those under charges everyday inside, is also close tightly a camp door.Day under the preparation circumstance that both sides so continuously beginning silently pass.
Didn't talk sorrow to welcome a radicle on this day second pull relief troops of taking the brigade in person, include female warrior of barbarian at inside total 350, there are still at the same time nearly 100 various craftsmans, such as carpenters and blacksmith...etc..Now don't talk to worry the troops totally coming together have already come to a 1,216 people, sitting of various combat rides and domestic animals and troops the miscellaneous service still don't compute at inside, the supplies depletion in everyday has already come to an a huge number.Now time also already get into in Marchary, Mo Yan Chou also had no time quickly.So the combat has to quickly launch, ignore is which square victory, but can not consume so.
"Master in Ge Berlin, I give you five now, all craftsmans adjust to you, if the number isn't enough I can also beat for your some people to start, but craftsman so many.Five day inside at least give me seven lapidating machines, now we of circumstance you also know, I don't tell a lie as well, and we have no time then consumed here."Mo Yan Chou's complexion seriously towards master in Ge Berlin to say.
The facial expression of master in Ge Berlin also very of serious, immediately answer:"Adult, you trust, be don't eat not to drink not to sleep, after five days, I am to become to also want to change out to you seven lapidating machines."
Mo Yan Chou didn't talk more and by hand and lightly clapped to clap master emaciated shoulder and at last expressed own feelings now.
The morning of five days empress, Mo Yan Chou arrived at a machine manufacturing in encampment the spot, there sign seven lapidating machines of newnesses.wар .ㄧбΚ .Сn
"The adult doesn't fail in mission luckily, seven lapidating machines have already completely created.Please acceptance."Master in Ge Berlin is rare of also learn the appearance of military training to beat for Mo Yan Chou a report.
Mo Yan Chou looking at master in Ge Berlin and is full of a thrombus in the eyes of behind, hair in great disorder craftsmans, suddenly have a kind of panic felling for blocking up in the heart.
"The pain of everyone, my Mo Yan Chou bowed for everyone here."Mo Yan Chou finishes saying behind deeply toward these craftsmans Ju one Gong.
These craftsmans that this on the contrary makes all of a sudden didn't know to do what.Can the Nao wear lookinging at of head Mo Yan Chou, was full of on everybody's face silly smile.
"You release those lapidating machines to go, we do a hand first today and see the level of operation how."Mo Yan Chou towards behind heel come of a group of barbarians and among them mixed of the monster person and virtuous Lu Yi say.
"Adult, our craftsman also wants to send some people to follow and observe a mechanical circumstance at any time very much, and can teach to them how correct operation."Master in Ge Berlin after seeing those shape tall and big in stature guys smiling all overly transport lapidating machine immediately walks to Mo Yan to worry of front of say.
"Okay.However you don't need to be taken a rest?Does the ability cook live?"Mo Yan Chou sees master in Ge Berlin shake to shake head, become overdo, toward those just at hard of the guy of the porterage lapidating machine loudly of shout:"If a short while use machine of time, all give me a little bit awake, all listen to match your craftsmans, let how you operate how operate, not be flubbing these darling babies for me."
Those shape flourishing guys hear after Mo Yan Chou's words, all roar with laughter of promise.Assurance of mouth inside a strength has no problem.
Master in Ge Berlin and those craftsmans but stare blankly, because they all once took part in war, although in the war, the craftsman is a part of essential to have.But still have never appeared soldier have to listen to the words of craftsman of, the larger function of the craftsmans is to maintain or re- make war tool.But Mo Yan Chou makes those shape tall and big in stature, the warriors of muscularity listen to the words of the craftsmans of his/her own these shape weak wretchednesses.
"The thanks, the adult, thanks you!"Master in Ge Berlin after politely going one gift toward Mo Yan Chou, received those craftsmans to match with food for powder to move these huge monsters to go out.Leave Mo Yan Chou alone a person stares blankly of not so of foolish over there.
Along with"shout" of a , a cake of whetted a big megalith of dish to row a parabola from the sky and mercilessly bumped shot the person signs on the dog rat of one watch from a distance tower up.The sawdust falls thick and fasts and watched from a distance tower to directly fall flop Related articles:

