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Nine day, the according to reason has already been to reach battlefield, high wild why still don't make moves?
Say, Li Yu Min is too severe, let high wild didn't opportunity to hold tight?
Even if the white blesses Bin to believe this kind of may, the Zu life is pure to also not believe.Anyway, at Zu life pure eye in, Li Yu Min is lean against the household background "swindle by false pretenses" of sons in the Hao door, not the excellent navy will get.
Certainly, all the way, the white blesses Bin and Zu life pure also have no little the analysis may appear of circumstance.
Especially recent these 23 days, 2 people want ~only sometimes, will discuss to unite the fleet may adopt of action in battle, and high wild of in command of characteristics.
Inside from the Zu life pure mouth, the white blesses Bin to know, anything but a high wild enemy who easily deals with!Ticket!

The text Volume 4 four dragons make the sea chapter 9 lord time to reverse
Renew time:2009-5-1114:25:43 chapter word numbers:4110

Seemed to prepare to feel what, the Zu life is pure to seem to be a special excitement, led at 10:00, he still stayed bridge at the commander warship, even often open a few funs with young staff officer, alleviate tense atmosphere.
"See, will have important event occurrence!"
The low language voice that hears voyage staff officer, the white blesses a Bin dynasty, he saw past.
Sun Hong Ming, 31 years old, quickly fight a group of voyage staff officers, navy's major.Previously, he is the voyage military officer, navy's captain of the "Yangtze River" war row warship, the Zu life is pure to personally lift to pull out of"the Di fastens" military officer.
"The sense of smell of general is very intelligent."Once the Hey Hey of Sun Hong Ming smile, " and, each time fight all before will such excitement."
The white blesses Bin tiny wrinkly next eyebrows, this, he doesn't know.
"Who is saying something against me?Sun Hong Ming don't think to carry on the back to toward me,cheap dr dre beats, I didn't know what you are saying!"Zu life pure 2 acrossed to come over."You are this boy, honest before of, the words were also few.If early know that you are so flippant, I don't adjust you to come over and let you follow a river Hong wave to go to Red Sea and there take a sunbathe!"
"General, I can don't say something against you, is all good words, absolutely good words!"
"BE?"The Zu life is pure obviously have a little don't believe of appearance."Carefully order, make me arrest next time, can have no you nice day to lead!"
"BE,Beats Solo HD, superior!"Finish saying, Sun Hong smiled again clearly.
See this situation, the white blesses Bin also not from must smile.
At this time, had been targeting the radio station of navy the commander's headquarters long distance correspondence channel to ring to get up.Start still being seeing the correspondence military officer of "joke" immediately putting on headphones, quickly recorded the telegraphic code received down.
Have no Zu the life is pure order, the correspondence staff officer"voluntarily" turning on duty immediately ran over to help correspondence military officer translation electricity text.
"Navy's commander's headquarters telegram urgently!"
Connect to conduct electricity a text, the Zu life is pure to quickly sweep one eye, while passing the electricity text to the white to bless Bin, say:"Issue order, today's midnight snack prepares a pair of, let each government troops eat very satisfied!"
Hear this words, white's blessing Bin is a little bit interrogative first.Can wait while seeing an electricity text contents, he understood to come over.
"…… The debarkation field encounters a set of, the fleet contacts the enemy and hopes to soon return ……"
In addition to this meaning extremely and clearly contents outside, give or get an electric shock a text still and provided the marine the correspondence for fighting cluster with main force repeatedly segment.But, don't mention the most important affair, then debarkation field time that is assaulted, and main combats and enemy fleet contact of time!
Is an urgent call, so this problem not and seriously, while canning see make is solid war bulletin.
"Need descend reach a war preparedness to make?"The white blesses Bin to simultaneously ask.The part will give or get an electric shock a text to give voyage staff officer.
Hesitated for a while, the Zu life was pure to still keep shaking to shake head."Temporarily need not, let a government troops for resting sleep again for a few hours.Shine on the circumstance in nowadays, we still take a few hours to arrive to battlefield and have no necessity to be so quickly carry on mobilizing."
In consideration of the actual spirit condition of government troops,Artist Series.White's blessing Bin don't also put forward an objection opinion.
At this time, corresponding by letter the military officer already according to electricity text mention of correspondence channel, start receiving the combat correspondence that marine and main force fight cluster, a fief telegram quickly sends to a Zu life pure and the white bless the hand of Bin inside.
Japanese fleet kills to go into to reach fertile gulf during 7:30 of nighttime.And at 7.46 separately start to bombard a debarkation field.
Is also say, the telegram of navy's commander's headquarters "lateness"ed fully two and a half hours!Finally find out.The problem isn't in navy's commander's headquarters, as early as 7:50, navy's commander's headquarters sent out the first telegram.Just the correspondence military officer of rapid combats commander's headquarters was changing shifts of duty at that time, the result didn't can receive telegram!
Certainly, this problem isn't serious, and after the event also no one interfere with.
Before 7:50, provide a gunfire support for the marine inside the fertile gulf at the reaching ground the cruiser organized into teams to encounter bombarding of Japanese fleet.Artillery duel of 15 minutes ago, "earthquake Zhe" number with"make firm decision" number heavy cruiser, "proper guest" number, "Lu state" number and"Min river" number light cruiser successively hit by bullet light a fire, among them"Lu state" number and"Min river" number quickly exploded sink.
In addition to harm heavy lose voyage of"earthquake Zhe" number of ability, other battleship all quickly hid the Sa northern side waters of Ma Er Dao.Temporarily averted from Japanese battleship ground to bombard.Before 8:15."Shake Zhe" number also the war sank under the stroke of Japanese fleet gunfire.
At this time, re- gather a ground of cruiser to organize into teams just at with Japanese fleet bitter struggle.
It is another.Sa Ma Er Dao's marine artillery also threw in combat.Just, marine material of is all 150 millimeters of following caliber grounds artillery, not power the strong shore defend cannon, at with could not have any cheapness in the resisting of large battleship.There is no the guide line of fleet moreover, "quasi- head" of the marine artillery is also very limited.
"General, new war bulletin!"
Connect to conduct electricity a text, the Zu life pure facial expression changed all of a sudden.
The white blessed Bin to quickly sweep the eye electricity text contents, the air also became dark more.
At 10:11, "Anne's ocean" heavy cruiser while leading cruiser to organize into teams to break through siege, be shot powder magazine by enemy's warship, take place big explosion, and sink in five minutes!
Is beyond all doubt, several hundred military officers of the "Anne's ocean" are several to have never returned alive hope!
"General, war bulletin!"
This time, the Zu life was pure don't connect an electricity text, the white blessed Bin to replace him to once connect to give or get an electric shock a text.
At 10:18, "from the Gong" number light cruiser at break through siege activity in be in the clout by the torpedo.When telegram sent out, the cruiser was quickly descending to sink!
"General, war bulletin!"
"Li Yu Min is where exactly!?"The Zu life pure slap claps at maritime map table up, frightenned to correspond by letter staff officer a jump.
The white blessed Bin to once connect to give or get an electric shock a text and quickly swept one eye.Isn't to fight a Sun report this time, and organized into teams new flagship from the cruiser, is also unique haven't encountered severity harm ground heavy cruiser"decision" the hair come to ground inquiry telegram.With Zu life pure"question" is similar, "decision" ground the warship Be long to be also inquiring the whereabouts of main combats!
"His mama of, I once said, Li Yu Min not is fight anticipating of fierce battle!"The Zu life is pure to absolutely is a fire to emit three Zhangs, " cruiser organized into teams a bitterness bitterness to prop up more than two hours, main combats hadn't appeared., Can he helplessly looking at cruiser to organize into teams Japanese fleet of quilt to massacre?The Huai grows, really his mama's Huai grows!"
"General needs to send out to inquire telegram?"
The white blesses Bin immediately the staff officer shook to shake head toward the correspondence, can in no way expose the position of rapid combats now.
"Deliver.Deliver fart!"Start fire, the Zu life is pure but disdains to recognize his kinsmen."Inquiry round machine section, the speed can mention much and quickly."
"General!"The white blessed Bin to pull Sun Hong Ming who picked up the telephone tube and said to the pure Zu life, " even if we accelerate to 30 sections now, also at least take seven hours can arrive to reach fertile gulf, when the time comes Related articles:

