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 "Put a scolding of voice!I will make you in advance taste the taste of hell, in case you next went to momentary half and will can not adapt to."The segment tiger Yin maliciously smiled to smile and withdrew prison building, the dynasty outside walked to, and die toward two Hans at the same time close Wei to say:"You are two methods of Xuns that all once learned Xing, have what recruits type all use, want ~only him deathless, you can heartily practice with him the pseudoginseng radix hands over to you of extract confession skill!"
"Belong to next follow instructions!"Two Hans die the answer segment that the close Wei holds in high esteem tiger, kneel down a way together while sending to doorway:"Belong to the inferior Gong to send a great commander soldier."
When segment the tiger come out a jail of time, a quick horse is from the direction of wine shop run fast since then, see Zhao Shi of the under charge turn over a body to dismount, the list knee kneels on the ground and politely says:"Report a great commander soldier, red fox, nine true and 13 this taking charge of of a few Ma Ze's influenceses the persons all have been already come and wait you in the Inn now."
The segment tiger tooks a look already gradually dark come down of the color of the sky, sneer way:"Come?Their tables are still really big, unexpectedly and so late just come."Say and lower the head an order way:"You return to say with that several people and let them stand to wait over there, wait this general to do finished, meet them naturally."
Order over, segment tiger's then turning over a body will lead long to come over on the jail force of horse, dynasty the city outside speed and go, Zhao Shi from also close on the heels of afterward.
For these horse thieves, the segment tiger didn't all accept to decline of plan, because all of Ma Zes accept to decline the Jing a life time risen effect and on the contrary have never accepted to decline then the effect that fights one part is so good.In addition he doesn't think that Ma Ze whom the tomorrow starts is greatly annihilating, there are no a few suitable opponents as well, this also for giving oneself the troops of these will get a practice that is in conjunction with a battle.
The segment tiger leaves after the jail and then and directly went to strict brave there, heel strict brave added up for a while tomorrow to annihilate the match problem of of planned detail and each troops.Follow to there is the affair to say to expect diagram for a while with him, and let he own loyalty the righteousness thought teach to Ba Tu, strict brave the meaning of the very quickly understand segment tiger, noded to promise down.
After, the segment tiger went to happy mountain again there, inspected 10,000 irons of enjoying the mountain troopses great ride a soldier.The ride a soldier really go into happy mountain say of then all masters in to ride to shoot, the figure young tiger is fierce, and is all some desires to set up achievement establish a career of red-blooded youth.This kind of person is that the D is pleased to teach a group of persons who control most easily in the knowing of tiger person's Shu for segment, as long as is a little bit a stir up these people even what direction did the north also get mixed up.Hence the segment tiger towards these these people and said to a lot ofly stir up words, and give small Hui, in public promoted 100 different clan youths that have good repute serve as 100 to ride long, this since deprived those thousand ride long appoint a confidential opportunity, also earninged many good reputes in the medium bottom layer that lightly rides a soldier.
When the whole affair favour are over, return to wine shop, the sky has been completely black, that the report believed in former times of the person sees a segment the tiger coming back and hurriedly coming forward to notify those horse thief's circumstances.Is positive such as segment what tiger anticipates so, 13 takes charge of after the words that the person hears a segment the tiger making people take and coming over and explodes with rage, two words didn't say, annoy blunt blunt of walk, only have red fox now and nine true 2 take charge of a person and still stand outside the hospital door and wait a segment, the tiger comes back.
"The grass people pays respects to a great commander soldier!"When segment the tiger walk to the doorway of oneself's courtyard, stand at two people of doorway immediately the list knee kneel ground, the polite horselaugh says.
"2 gets up!The matter was busy, made twos long to wait today!"The segment tiger at will put to put a hand and signaled hint 2 people to get up and and then pushed door to walk into yard and clapped to clap to face to come forward of tiger king and multiply by the head of breeze, walk to station son inside, sit down, this just turned head to thoroughly conjecture in front of two He He well-known Malaysia thief.

The text chapter 244
Renew time:2008-6-2117:32:01 chapter word numbers:5076

Red fox and nine true two thief's influences in Malaysias take charge of the person's appearance to really come from a tiger very much.
Red fox's taking charge of a person is the middle age that an is dry to lose dark, horoscope eyebrow, wine lees nose, descend mourn a mouth, grow a Yang Yang of disease to throw a son appearance, walk outside, other people will took him for one owe lots of debts of alcoholic, can hardly believe that he is the red fox that declares that fox's leading hair doesn't stay to take charge of a person.If segment tiger not Zhang Chi from his breath and the blood, discovering him was house inside to fix for the words of extremely deep superior, segment tiger may will think that this was the red fox to take charge of a person to send a person to come to make fun of him.As for nine really take charge of then a person is clearly contrary, the figure is beautiful, the height Bang is thick, flank stand on the red fox, the felling is like the parent of red fox, very interesting.
"You 2 are a red fox and nine really take charge of a person?"Although have already known these 2 people in the segment tiger heart be, still keep cannot helping but asking 1.
"Red fox beard small Niang."The red fox takes charge of saying of person's small voice thin spirit.
"Nine true cloud the sky is strong."But nine really take charge of a person of orotund robust bold and unconstrained then.
The segment tiger suddenly has the felling to grow to want cachinnation, he is strong to endure to smile an idea, asks a way:"You are 2 husband and wife?"
The words that hear a segment tiger, two human face colors a surprised, saw one eye mutually again, then in anger the pair of face Pie arrive a time of, unanimous opinion of say:"Be not."See the other party say similar to oneselfly, then again dissatisfied of become overdo, stare the other party, and then say at the same time:"You why learn me to talk!"
See these two live a treasure person, the segment tiger really has a little in distress situation, hence intentionally the noodles have no facial expression, cold speech way:"You whether 2 is me am a theater troupe here, run to here sing an opera come, if there is no sincerity surrendering, can be like 13 leave so.I in no case the Zu is difficult, wait tomorrow to see in our battlefield."
Finish saying, segment the tiger sets up for the appearance he/she prepares to start to leave, beard small Niang and cloud tiger appearance with cold look that is strong to see a segment in the sky, think that he has already got angry, hence each other mercilessly stares one eye and come forward an one-step list together the knee kneel to attach a segment tiger in front, together track:"The great commander soldier stops anger.Cao Min knows offense.Hope a great commander soldier is people's an opportunity for grass again."
The segment tiger looking at to in the moment lowers the head and kneels to attach on the ground, also wants each other to push Sang ground two people and says:"This general asks 1 times again.You had better tell the truth, you are 2 husband and wife?"
"Past BE.Now be not!"2 people all hesitated for a while, together the voice says.
"Say to listen to,google."The segment tiger sits upright on the stone Dun.The hands embrace chest and looking at at present 2 people, one waits to listen to gamesome.
The beard small Niang seems to mention things of the past, didn't talk, but cloud strong in the sky just a little bit hesitated for a while and then was pleasing to describe 1 time the process of the affair.Originally their 2 people was born the noble family of two Wu Xue in Yu state in, since the childhood childhood friends, feelings best, after growing up, also the in clear and ordered pattern knot was husband and wife, also livinged to keep a rightness of twins.
However cloud strong disposition extrovert in the sky, allow Xia good Dou, often go out with the force member of association, or at the invitatio of person of same belief make track for to kill a river lake shameless lout and ocean thief of river everywhere, and beard the personality of the small Niang then is exactly the opposite to like to dance a text lane of Mo, learn to the force of the affair interest lack, if isn't a Zu Xun to stipulate, he probably connects inherited in the family of inside Chi Kung in the house and ingenious Wu Xue also would not like to self-discipline,Facebook.
Originally they the life ground is very and happy, can one day 2 people go out to visit friend, the kid then stays at in home, is seen by the in home servant generation.But after waiting they to come back, but see to come home medium front door four my, the domestic ground corpse in doorway maneuvers to mutually lie and dashes into a to see, in home the old and the young, servant's protecting hospitals is all killed, one of his twins' sons then are hanged in the roof with the rope, the skin on the body is abruptly peeled off, the painful facial expression can see on ground of face from the kid, all of them are to live pain dead,cnn.
Because these skill and cloud the sky is strong is pursuing and arresting a skill that the ocean thief of river commits crime of ground similar, he the naturally ground thought that this is cloud at that time the sky was strong to lead those people to come home an inside, resulted in thus the tragic incident of at present this home in ruins, hence wrote one to write letter with own blood at that time, threw a sky to strengthen to cloud, and then rushed out family.Afterwards two artificial looked for an enemy house to once meet several times, however all with big Related articles:

