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Yao again Huang?""?Cough, I, I and I again 1 F wax!""Rush toward Chi!"They are three to all stretch tight not to live, all drive I 2 F wax make of break into laughter voice, , battle success, they smile me to have a nice day to lead, is still me cleverness, Hey Hey,google!"Text text, I can also affirm now, he is indeed as expected your husband, otherwise can't so can gossip irresponsibly, ha ha, return again 1 F wax, Kui he thinks of."The magic power cat cat smiled side and then sarcasm in the side of part unwilling to remain out of the limelight I am a , I all be don't hear, anyway with woman have no truth speak, even if I didn't gossip irresponsibly before, she says so now, I can not contend for with her, either, a contend for affirmation that finally suffers a los still I."To, cousin, you how so quick come up, that King Arthur had no so bad, in your under charge even three minutes all persistence not?""Hum, just saw his under charges all escape, he also immediately rode a horse to run, I if not that remembering you, even if he multiplies by to ride, can absolutely make track for as well with my quick in action of up, that I could chop down one of his Ma Tuis down to take with wine now to us."I and department the Tu listen to this violence the female talk and immediately did a grimace each other, I see her don't call, either what magic power cat cat, simply make the violent cat cat probably can match image more.However my business hasn't finished, they are again two to start to the me and the department Tu investigating and searching of MM right away, magic power cat the cat is presumably to be a police, I am reviewed of be like a prisoner, and she asks words to have level very much, a problem is turned over to reply to ask several times, the statement unanimously just changes an another.Text text, I didn't go, the prisoner severely requested to go to the stool, let your cousin drink saliva Xie Xie.
"What?You just and the blurred shadow set brigade kill strange?That you not is hang to return to behind again enter of country war area!"When the magic power cat cat listens to I make reference to and blurred shadow that brigade, eyes stare very greatly, one face doubt of to I and take charge of the Tu is an observation, also by hand kneaded to knead my arm, the good elephant is examining me to isn't that the ghost is similar.Blurred shadow this boy has no so big reputation, I feel in addition to being that talk not to count, he owed money to run of in addition to guy, don't also see an other dissimilarities, having never thoughting his name incredibly can let magic power cat the cat is so excited, in fact not only I am made by her vision very strange, take charge of Tu to also feel some surprise, so cannot help but asking 1."Cat elder sister Mao, I don't really understand your meaning, blurred shadow that player is in fact very interesting, he sees the technical ability of Yang sword incredibly think that that is the monster, hide to go out foot to have several ten meters far, so just letting my Jian arrive was cheap, a sword polished off that will the monster of concealed body."The words that take charge of Tu immediately aroused the interest of their sister, three mms making me chatting the hot fire dynasty of was cool the sky is in the part, be cat cousin Mao hear the look in the eyes that we kill after the strange process, immediately use a doubt brush me more than ten time, on the face be don't believe three words.Can't, the person packs with dress, the Buddha is packed by gold, I wear new hand to pack now, the feet trample lousy straw sandal and carry a root to build a fire stick in hand, who also can not figure out the grade of An incredibly is so high, the technical ability is so strong, this look in the eyes An early becomes accustomed to in the China area, you want to brush and then please to continue.
Kevin also just listenned to clear sky once say my technical ability to is to let out ten thousand gold dragons for month before, and this technical ability is in the China area is a dollar 2 only, this , so just at the sight of my technical ability, can recognize out me, but she to I am in other circumstances of vain inside don't understand very much, so also moved over here to curiously conjecture me am this whole body material."Husband, I listen to the every month say you, the good elephant is a China area first superior, can you this whole body clothes also too and too homeliness, ha ha, can't be a China area basically nothing important superior, so just make you have the first this."This is absolutely to sully,cnn, not is to sully me, but the slight to China area all players, my of course not can make her say so, is none of wives to go, so I answer criticism right away."Text text, China area the superior is absolutely many like ox hair, affirmation is more than your European War area, your husband can get the first, isn't a wave hollow reputation, completely is a true true knife gun to put together come of, never despise me this body material, the An cap-a-pie uses of is all bsolute being machine."See her and her cousin still don't believe and still keep just seeing a person with the color taste, I drew back own data plank to send to them right away two at present, Kevin is O.K. some, although is shocked, the happy composition is a little larger, eyes immediately Mi positive curved moon, jump up come kissed my face for a while, can cousin comrade with she dissimilarity, after seeing the data of finishing the An, mouth immediately the piece became an O type and suddenly pulled out out the oneself just- laid by sting sword is again."Brother-in-law, what you mixed is very good, is again to conceal an occupation, and then is whole body absolute being machine, see to a PK war capability definitely and very high, Hey Hey, we to gesticulate how, the superior who all has no an ability and elephant kind for a long time learned by exchanging views, my hand positive Yang of very."Cough, cousin, although your this brother-in-law chases I call of very great, can you don't forget this country war area, isn't a PK platform, in case of I hanged you, can have no another resurrection spooler to save you.
Kevin doesn't miss we beat on meeting to kill as well of, so advised to open cat cousin Mao right away, however once her eyes turn, and then hanged up my arm to get fed up with in my body."The husband listens to the every month saying, you gave them the everyones to once sent a gift all before, and was all ghost machine at least first-degree material, ha ha, just you killed me I didn't blame you, now you whether must also come to for your little wife to order in expiation of?"This is to coerce, completely be nakedly coerce, not only order clear I must ast least give her a ghost machine first-degree material, and still use just of misunderstanding to press me, I is who, I am small white, Hey Hey, certainly need to accept a wife to coerce.Vain and not is what our house opens, you say what I can seek right away, and what you want is a ghost machine, even if equiping is worthless, the ghost machine isn't the common run of people either to make ground, and spends money can buy as well of arrive."Text text, you see this time come of too hurried, I didn't°yet ……""blare ……the cousin see, the somebody else is very pitiful, very not easy met with husband, can he forgot to prepare a gift not to say to me and also killed me once."The cat cousin Mao's side is by hand clapped Fu at her Kevin of shoulders artificial tears, the side is stared me with eyes, can you stare me also useless, I now body up really have never liked east east send, besides you are again all European the spirit series special feature occupation, I at China area the material of the Jian you also need not not up.
However although words say like this, I don't send Kevin to order thing, also really feel that having a little is very much obliged, clear sky month I sent to Zong cloud Xue and sorcery to convert two, a ghost machine, although 1 are a platinum material,that is light achievement attribute, absolutely being may come with luck the good east is eastern, small also equiped two ghost machines month now, storm ring and bright cent water quit, the odd month said nothing of and escaped A book but absolute being machine for sky, and is a China area most the absolute being machine of cow, moreover, I return to she a gold just bead, arrive Kevin here, don't order the thing of weight, I stilled really tooked not to make moves.My hurrying up is ownly keeping to turn over to turn over to see several times in the past in thing space, in addition to a few spoolers that was much more puzzling to come out, the suitable gifts that still didn't seek could send and had to open rubber check piece for her first."Text text, I now body ascend definite have no you can use of material, however you need not worry, I talk to count, need not excessive long, I definitely send you a compare every month they of gifts all good baby to you, this was next to be satisfied with.""Ha ha, not bad, you have to remember, don't once said and then forget."Kevin in fact isn't really and not either and my important point what just happy, just is acting in pettish toward me just, she is a superior by herself, the breeze mixing in the European War area livings water to rise, on the body of seal evil war AN is a top-class platinum material, as for is seven, boot the etc. also isn't all common kinds of goods and also be unlikely to shout on meeting to want thing with me, that is to don't see the MM of dying the noodles would do, be like her can't the ghost spirit like this just make the husband work.We were four to chat again in the top of hill a burst of, turned the topic to just in those player bodies, my circumstance to the European War area didn't understand very much and at the right moment made the wife speak for me.
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