
www.headphones-fashion.com ocked to knock table

, By so doing, you can Be seeing my result and enjoying dinner."
Big living room of that is long table of to sit down more than 20 a lot of things of being personal, canning let go ofs, however being apart from is a little bit far some, want to see pure, in fact basically impossible, he does like this and still keeps being mourning the appetite of old man.
However elder brother Bu returns to calculate honest and kind, put that Chan Zhu at least at old man in front.
"The thing is too many, here but too small, so is not likely to take out all things."Elder brother Bu says.
This rare words sounds like at condescension, however equally can also regard as and be showing.Just at the moment that receiving director Si be basically not available to consider these, his eyes stare at that than common of cat in the house still want a turn of big of Chan Zhu, this thing indeed as expected has many eyes, however he has never counted, cans not makes sure and has 100.
Suddenly the cool head of old man come down, once his air change, with his intelligence, certainly immediately understand.Elder brother Bu why want to take out these things to him to see, why on returning to a method gram, the first invite him.
"Keep saying, what do you want?You are without any reason and without cause very smart, absolutely can't take out an advantage, affirmation wants to exchange what, but you refuse stubborn to lack money again."The town settles down of receive Si old man, have the director's manner.
"Ha ha."Elder brother Bu did to smile two ∶s" I have no for your felling so bad?"
"Still on the whole can, at least you and other nobilities compare with and have no that kind of from inside noodles deeply the arrogant of, and you trade although could not have cheapness,do not suffer a los as well."The old man lightly says.
Elder brother Bu didn't intend to go around in circles, because he knows to have no with these sorcery teachers what haggle of leeway.If these people drive generosity of noble family in the Hao door give spoiled, haggled with them, after they take advantage of, also want to have more cheapness, so deal with their best way, is to a price code.Then the one step don't back.
[I intend to re- make cooperation agreement with you."Elder brother Bu says.
"Why?Originally be not have already welled say good?"The old man is some could not touch brains.
Not the elder brother Bu plan conceals, some matters can actually say ∶ by the truth"this time at northern islands Sha feather but return, let me understand a lot, past of I am really too stupid, the by all manners draws together you and airtight Zhen place, do a lot of bargains exchanged your support, but just regard as your person hatchet man.
"Enter northern islands after, I just know, persons much in fact a little use all have no, go to move not only the Ai hand Ai feet, and target too big, very easy expose."
"Run into card to pull to receive a strong like this, that is to have no way."Receive Si old man to advise a solution way, he feels elder brother Bu Be some to overdo, in his eyes, get into northern islands this kind of deathtrap, take one big cluster of hand Bu, still have much of necessary.
The target that only wants to see deal with is what, if what to deal with is a card to pull to receive thus of extremely superior, that really has no use.Card's pulling to receive is several black sorcery teachers that is known by outsider, his position is more only slightly lousy than those two saints whom the rice pulls to expect day and the Vatican.
"I also enter northern islands a , however I don't intend to take so this time many people, most take several person with truely usefuls.Don't report this enemy, I in no case give up."Elder brother Bu is bad to ruthlessly say.
The this time words let old man to elder brother Bu have to in different light.
The time at the beginning met for the first time, although elder brother Bu expresses real strenght with strong abnormality,the old man always feels elder brother Bu is some affected, how see all be different from is a can pull to expect a day to place on equal footing with rice of rare strong.
So wait until elder brother Bu accidentally loses in the northern islands, is pulled by the card to receive the news of exiling the different boundary to spread, the old man didn't feel surprised.
But the old man is some to shock this time, because what elder brother Bu's words show unintentionally is a kind of self-confidence.But previous elder brother Bu's lacking exactly is this kind of rare strong all have of self-confidence.
The old man of course not may know, time meet for the first time, elder brother Bu just depends on various material of body Bu, just can pack a rare strong of carriage.
This guy does of the matter is like also his old wood to go one actor, only the satge is just the whole world.
But be exiled difference boundary this time, but truely make him take off a foetus to change a tube, especially killed off those dragons, let the his real confidence greatly increase.
Don't know these, so old man change in the front and back of elder brother Bu, see into a mature performance of heart Zhe.
So a think old man immediately and formally many.
"Do you want how we help you?Thinking necessarily can't make us help you to deal with card to pull to receive."The old man asks a way, his F through make a decision, if elder brother Bu's condition be really so, he wishes to give up 100 eye Chan Zhu.
Again the precious different monster isn't worth taking life to put together.
Elder brother Bu shook to shake head ∶ "deal with that guy is my own business, needless anyone participates.The day in moreover a world, I have enough time to consider a problem, finally I know, I was getting wronger before.
"The airtight Zhen place is real of the value are that the ear eyes are numerous, the intelligence report is extensive, have again is various talented person complete.But the advantage of mysterious valley then the sorcery teacher is numerous, system integrity, and still have a lot of research achievements."
Made reference to my elder brother Bu to grind to a stop for a while, he lightly knocked to knock table ∶ "what I thought greatly of is these, I hope to re- cooperate with you, I need you the best sorcery teacher is there, however not is to make them work for me, but study some things for me."
The old man surprisedly looking at elder brother Bu, momentary he is some to frighten into inaction, the request to completely come from him of anticipate.
"You say 1 time again."The old man body tilts to one sides and gathers together to gather together here toward elder brother Bu and seemed to want to listen to know more some.
Elder brother Bu raised voice some say ∶ "I pay a material, you person, the achievement of end, our both parties shares.On top of that, I need your under charge those ascend age of apprentice, if I guess right, their identities are only studs, you never care them.Also have no noble family Hao door to see medium they, but I to say, they are useful."
Receive Si old man to listen to clearly this time, he immediately wrinkled up eyebrows.
Elder brother Bu's request doesn't calculate Gao and even still can not compare with original of the agreement, a sorcery teacher arrives where can not carry on a research?As for those have no Qian quality of the apprentices are also no ones will care, those people are in the mysterious valley the root is to waste a food.
However is careful on thinking, the old man immediately watched out for.
Elder brother Bu's requests obviously want to make duplicate a mysterious valley.Those have no Qian quality of persons' not a little use all have no, although the use is few,their existence is count for much.
These people more or less some magics, only they or the magic increase too slow-moving, or can not break bottleneck to become formal sorcery teacher, but these people very the accommodation is a teacher.
Because they are needless to spend too many time of self-discipline.Also need not carry on a sorcery research and have plenty of time and energy to living to the teaching.So they teach the work like the foundation sorcery course and compare formal sorcery teacher to excel more.
In the mysterious valley, the teacher of induction foundation sorcery course is almost this person.
The old man completely can imagine, elder brother Bu owned these apprentices, needless decade, freely get and then will appear a batch of apprentices, even may also appear a few formal sorcery teachers.
Have so on helping a person, and the medicine in the elder brother Bu's hand, flower last 34 decades, absolutely can start to build up an evil law school that is similar to a mysterious valley.
So on thinking, the old man isn't immediately dry.
"This matter,www.headphones-fashion.com, I perhaps can hardly promise, the college is to contribute efforts to the royal house, all research achievements belong to royal house, you can employ college of evil Related articles:

