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, I know you or love mine, be like me have been all being loving you."
That time of I no longer know to say what, just the Ning Mou hopes lake noodles and looking at our inverted imaged in water meeting son absolute being, very long I just open mouth ask:"Do you really put me to leave?"I thought for a night and always felt that the Qi blesses to so in brief put me to walk yesterday, because at present of I am a very nice counter, if use me with the son in the stomach to threaten very valuable ……will he choose to make use of me?
I think, if I were him, I would also choose to make use of.Because, this is relating to the mountain of oneself, river, stabilizes of important event, if he really wants exploitation, also no serious mistakes committed ……
"I visit relatives from send to you he."His voice abnormality firm, I also no longer guess him to want to do next move what, just smile stretched into Shui-li, the ice-cold felling hits my center of palm, the at heart is also gradually relaxed.
Approach near the bank of, I saw Su's view great to stand still with Qi Hao near the bank, greet Qi to bless of return.I know that everythings all ended, from now on, he is the emperor of Qi country, I am the Chen imperial concubine of Yu country.Hopes this of he doesn't want to make me disappoint again, I very afraid again be exploited by him ……
The chapter 2 gloomy city Yun dies
In addition to Huang smoke, the horn connects sky, the city wall towers aloft, the nitric smoke fills the air.When I bless along with the Qi of the battalion arrived at the main force debt of two soldier opposing campses, I saw Han Ming, he seemed to be emaciated because of advertising for to fight for consecutive days quite a few turn, reply in the eye full thrombus.It is said that this war has already kept on the tenth, two soldier real strenghts are equal, dead and injured number also about, at present seem is fighting protracted warfare, who can insist a little bit longer, who is a victory a square.
"How would the Yu country cooperate with the country in summer?"The Qi blesses an arrows step to walk to the soldier debt seat of host but sit, picked up the troops putting to distribute a diagram observation very long, the finger clenches fist and taps softly table's top and seem to be already to ownly sink into to contemplate in.
The inside one is silent, present everybody officers and mens all the nobody answer, I receive a great look in the eyes of that alert of Su's view, and originally they are all defending me!I the ground of Xing Xing smiled to smile and had already known interest ground to uncover a Lian debt to go out.
Cloud lock breaks a rock, cloud absolute being state, the sea sea Teng Fei, the mountain mountain falters.Fill the air bloody flavor on all sides, I go on foot the summit of hill edge out of the soldier debt, the Fu hopes that mountain and stream under of have a wreckage, all of that are a human life ah ……the breeze Ting is fast, move north Zou, what war bring is wife ion to spread, what turmoil brings is common people food and clothing have no.
The Qi soldier place position gains advantage very much, they are placed in summit of hill high peak, the each and every move of enemy's soldier all accepts eye bottom and occupies vantage points to come up to say to is beneficial from the person's mental state and guard really easily difficult offend.So two soldiers would hold out for long time to contend,Facebook, none of any a squares dares to easily begin, if begin, nobody wins.My thinking this time Yu and summer's consociation of two countries is also to have no alternative, is a self-preservation.I think if want a self-preservation, should reckon without, is mainly the heart that is decided by Qi to bless to put out Yu to exactly have how and severely.
Suddenly I thought of everything I do ever, first have been replying the conviction of country to contain doubt to oneself.Two uncle Huang duos father of, have already splashed with blood temple in the oasis, lose one and other human life, now then I want to reply a country again, that will be one to kill again, will be a blood to become river again.Even if really replied a country, how handle two uncle Huangs?BE kill is stay?Do his sons and daughters hate me because I take this war again?If they also calculate moment by moment such as me how for their father the emperor revenge, will that this conflict keep on to arrive when?When does the gratitude and grudge conclude again?
BE be not, did I do amiss?The old grudge insisted by me always seems to be already to hoodwink own heart, for the sake of the territory ground that the personal personal desires unexpectedly wants to push the common people into everlasting perdition!Where does that Fu princess Ya ever arrive to have been already gone to?She pursues of just a kind of mild life, from when beginning, the old grudge unexpectedly strangled she only saves of pure?
Is very valuable, current of whether you is angrying because I didn't follow a promise, I hope that this war can end quickly and quickly, you ability peaceful get through a crisis, hope we again see of, you can listen to my explanation to you.
"After the father emperor, mother, forgive Fu Be another to is graceful time of to give up to reply a country."Accompany with billowing information, I toward blue sky a muttering, " I ain't replying a country, I don't want people live in wretched conditions, and I don't want to be bloody to kill.Probably the future reunion of father emperor, mother feels I am weak in character, will feel I too kindness, but you have to know, that is an is all human life, is all mother to be pregnant but living in October, besides ……up to now I have never heard someone's passing on a message two uncle Huangs isn't a good emperor, didn't even hear the country common people's complaints are heard everywhere in summer.Be good enough to see, two uncle Huangs always at like country of dealing with the summer well, his wrong, just murder a gentleman Duo.If Tang believes in too much and murders an elder brother Duo, though behave despise, but his achievement Yan his lead, he founded unprecedented big peaceful times Tang, Zhen view it cure."
"Can you finally let go of old grudge?"Han Ming admires of the voice connect descend I this sentence.
I suddenly look back to stare at his dynasty of the whole body armor silver Kui, I take a stroll since then, how, so quick have finished the military situation?
"I depend on sparse remember that you once said'who say that the daughter can not for the country lift a hand to but requite effect imperial government?Isn't a world beauty all such as Da F Mei lord, love a disorderly temple, I Pan's jade want to do and then do drive Tang too Zong Zun is the eldest grandson empress of teacher'!I felt at that time you is I once saw of had atmospheric woman most , to you of the concern didn't aware of self many several cents."Wait until am face to face with me of he just stops a step, after advertising for of several dayses fight him have already shown a vicissitudes of life more, but I don't know to use what facial expression to face him.
He continues pleasing but way:"So many in the last yearses I have been aming considering what being meant by'grand love', just listenned to you a words, just truely know, the grand love wasn't a feeling for universal compassion, the grand love isn't an unification world, and the grand love isn't a loyal to wait on a lord.The grand love is to hold the old grudge of heart, the grand love is to miss world common people subjects of a ruler, the grand love looks for Jie life the truth from the bitterness.At present of you, attain."
"Don't making my Kua seeming a The Savior Messiah must, I really did amiss a lot."
" Afraid that you know perfectly well you to do amiss, but still keep doing one's own way.There is a kid in"he is for a long time silent, throw in the vision to my lower abdomen, ", is this kid to make you know the whole?"
"Yes, I have been wanting to own a kid and bless with Qi of kid ……but as in in but destine me can not have a kid with him."I am bitter and astringent on smiling, look back to look sideways smoke Ai a fan the one of the Mang, thus desolate.
"See come out, you still keep canning not letting go an emperor and why not leave?"
"Grand love you just also said, .And also include a responsibility in the grand love, I not ability thus selfish, regardless of others feeling."
Cloud Tun barracks, the Pi flaps a voice to work properly, Han Ming comes forward an one step and together hopes Qiong with me for sky, there was Cang eagle to once fly, a hoarse blared.
"You can know, the emperor before beats you, the dizzy jailbird goes into a temple, is for lead long to make with you very valuable, make him abandon weapons to surrender with you.But just, he unexpectedly says to send you to return to, I don't know took place for these several days what make the emperor change his original intention."His words is swallowed by the strong wind to go to a lot, I have to the Shu ear listen.Listens to he continue way:"Can make the emperor such of, only you.I just discover now, at musk this matter up, I was to really do amiss."
Listen to a word of Han Ming a , my heart's imitating a Buddha is fished out, originally he is to really want and make use of me ……but why want to give up, has river's mountain been no longer important to him?Or does he have the confidence to necessarily win?
"Do you still lie a bosom thus?I don't blame you."I prove me with the voice of steady sincerity to his pardon, " I think to be quicker to return to just now, two soldiers have been already engaged at present get into a hot dispute, I am a very valuable Chen imperial concubine, should accompany at him nearby of."
Is verdant to kiss cloud, purple secondary rainbow green Xiao, when being needing Han Ming has to speak up, the Qi blesses of the voice spread into an ear with the breeze, "do you so want to return to him?"
My body is one Jiang, recovered own mood for a while, turned round to say with smile:"You not is say that sending me to return to is very valuable nearby?You can't talk not to count?"
He helplessly smiled to smile, "

