
Artist Series gas is a place o

The SouthernSong , seems to think that the world is messy enough, also unwilling to remain out of the limelight ,added a construction ,in six years ( 1176 ) in December, Zhao Chen officially decreed ,JAC Song Jun started ahead of central plains .
Officially opened a complete mess curtain .relationresultSong Junis divided into two lines ,east to East Huainan road Ma Explorer Cao Xun will ,a collection of Xuyi army ,Chuzhou garrison ,launched the forty thousand army ,twenty thousand army ,divided into three road ,to the Shandong attack ,Cao Hoon led from Chuzhou to attack Pizhou ,by the Xuyi army Royal garrison command Guo Zhen to send troops to attack Suzhou .
And the fate of Chuzhou Royal garrison command to attack Li Gongzuo from the sea ,the East China Sea ,was intended to involve Shandong Wanyan Chen monk .relationresultThe mainroad just for men ,Artist Series,to the west of Huainan Ma duct Bi will ,in the Kwangju ,Haozhou two royal garrison ,at the same time ,the fear of Bi shortage of troops ,and he added to the horse army division of Weiyuan army ,fakie armies and infantry division of the left ,the right ,a total of Qiwanwuqianduo sagittarius .
Even the Director Wei to be with Army division business Chen Min was also sent to assist Huaixi ,Bi combat .West Song Jun is divided into two channels by Bi attack, and Liu Fuwu led the Kwangju offense Cai ,Chen Min and Zhang Shiyan led from the Haozhou attack, attack of the .
relationresultButso far ,the government banned in three health project ,Ma Ji men to all sent out ,the infantry division of the nine army also sent six ,stay healthy only three troops ,including eighteen thousand people .
Before the division of the twelve army also sent five ,with seven troops ,including fifty-six thousand people .relationresultBut this time thesong troops ,from the proposal to resolution ,is has not been much hindered, mainly because it is a battle to a Jin ,from the moral and emotional ,ministers are very difficult to refuse ,but passed on the troops after the controversy ,officials all know the emperor temper ,see book province agreed, no one was willing at this time to go against the emperor resolution .
At the same time, Song Jun in the battlefield has been defeated ,also inspired many people confidence ,for the expansion of the war was not so the bottom touch .relationresultWhenJin in Nanjing ,Shandong area to have sixteen seventy thousand troops deployed .
In Shandong, Wanyan Chen monk garrison ,Garrison has more than 70000 ,since the Jin army sent troops to Xixia ,Wanyan Chen monk will always ready for attack .So Song Junyi had trends ,Wanyan Chen Heshang ordered general Wanyan on the rate of fifteen thousand people on Pizhou Shou ,so he can stick to city ,but do not fight song .
relationresultWhile theWanyan Chen monk himself personally led twenty-five thousand troops ,arrived in Suzhou .When the song to the captured around Suzhou ,Jian Lingbi County ,Jingan, Suzhou formed a siege situation .
While the Wanyan Chen and personally led five thousand cavalry ,from Jian Jingan county and the gap between the Cha and wear ,a West Guzhen, killing more than 1000 song ,cut off the supply lines of the song .
relationresultFortunately Cao Xunmake a prompt decision ,ordered the withdrawal of all forces ,they also lead to five thousand song ,West Town ,and Wanyan Chen and war ,to cover the other each song .
The two sides play a day ,each having damage ,end neither in victory nor defeat .Fortunately, Cao Xun pinned the Wanyan Chen monk soldiers ,other various Song Juncai safely withdrawn .
While the Wanyan Chen monk saw Song Jun all the forces to the scatter back ,also dare not long battle ,army retreated to the Qi county .Song Jun :all the army retreated to nearby water downstream ,both sides fought many battles ,but also each victory .
But Song Jun at both sides of the road were the golden army offensive blocking ,unable to move a step forward .relationresultButLi Gongzuo led the size of two ships from the sea to the East ,near the sea meets the Navy, two wars ,on the surface ,the advantage is quite obvious in song ,Jin forces defeated the navy was killed ,lost more than 50 ship battle ship ,returning only in the East China Sea port ,deployment ,and dare not play again .
And although Song Jun won the Jin Army Navy ,but shortage of troops ,to implement land combat ,therefore only along the coast line of Shandong Pai hesitating ,occasionally landing Sao scrambling for a while, but did not dare to further inland ,soon returns to the ship .
relationresultBut thearmy of the Sao scrambling for Xing attack very head do ,but because the water power is insufficient, also feel helpless ,Wanyan Chen monk had in coastal area increased force deployment ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com,thereby also weakened against the song land offensive forces ,thus guarding Shandong although superabundant ,but want to fight song ,but somewhat less than .
relationresultFortunately,Cao Xun is not really to take Shandong ,but contain Wanyan Chen monk ,so that he can spare troops Nanjing ,so so and Wanyan Chen monks play ,also do not worry .
relationresultAndon the other side ,the Jin army in Nanjing military forces have Bawanwuqianyu ,force more than Shandong ,but not the weakness ,should have more worries .Wanyan long serving time ,strict defense army ,careful ,is as strong as iron ,no danger of anything going wrong .
relationresultHoweversince the Heliopolis stone column Hu Shahu instead of Wanyan length was left in Nanjing after the division ,but everything changed .Hu Shahu this is commonplace material ,now finally landed a fat difference ,it is at the physical ,and trusted in themselves that they were the emperor trusted ministers ,after taking office or the border ,I only know that the idle away in seeking pleasure ,in the military is an Cha confidant ,hanging scale sell level ,therefore the Nanjing defence guard also day by day relaxation .
relationresultBeforelong the army strictly Wanyan though ,but also relaxation degree, work reward too fine ,absolutely fair ,also clean automorphic ,focusing on the side ,and not the army and the people to his cause, management is the feel a heartfelt admiration .
While Hu Shahu assumes not only pay after exacting button ,fill one for personal servants ,soldiers ,a little unhappy ,he castigates the cudgel ,and publicly ordered the clerk in the rob ,bully boy girl ,commit all sorts .
Any less than nine months ,but in poly Jian money amounted to more than 10 million ,occupy the seven or eight mansion ,ten thousand mu of farmland ,but also robbed a woman for their own enjoyment ,not only get army blackdamp chapter gas ,is a place on the rest ,even the local officials also pour out one ,just say it only the tiger to Nanjing ,even the bones would swallow .
relationresultJin Junsoldiers have been on Wanyan long unreasonably demotion is quite displeased ,and Hu Shahu ,regardless of seniority ,ability ,prestige is unable with the Wanyan long compared to play the gangster ,and now in Nanjing ,since his arrival ,who can only get a half pay ,so the officers and men of the people of his have guts ,people are increasingly dissatisfied with the morale of the troops .
Only looking forward to the day to move Shahu Hu ,re-enable Wanyan length .relationresultMeanwhile,the Nanjing forces launched an attack .Jin Jun ward was very relaxed ,plus the generals instead of Hu Shahu appointing incompetent cronies ,Hu is on Shahu disaffected, so they will never see their resistance song ,song ,a resistance had abandoned the city .
relationresultBiI and Chen Min two troops ,a road carry all before one general ,continuous and Shouzhou ,little ,Cai Zhou ,Tang states such as well ,even after I couldn ,still think the Jin army in lure the enemy in deep plan .
Therefore ordered Song Jun to suspend the March, and snoop good gold army movements ,intended to do .relationresultHu Shahu waslost after the defeat ,nor from the big surprise ,he certainly knows ,if you keep Nanjing ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,even after Yan Yungong ministers ,would make a past, so obviously afraid at heart, but can not play .
He immediately gathered together an army of forty thousand men ,led by Yang Woyan ,,,Wanyan Ting ,Wanyan charged will personally supervise operations ,in many states ,to fight song .relationresult�� ���Song Xiang to support the original �� �� ��relationresultInHeliopolis stone column Hu Shahu crustily skin of head, the army against the forces of time . Related articles:

