
cheap beats by dre ng of lace doubt I …

The theest warmest applause for the young ladies.Although they are in mind to really doubt that my words can believe sex, still drive my sincerity, drive my vehemence, drive my Hao feeling life ambition be infected!!
"Qiao son, you in those early years whether also so drive this guy to cheated to start?"Lace lightly of say in her ear.
"……" Qiao son has no language wearing a smile, be like similar one page of book in the brain one opening of page…………
"Your freedom ……" ties up cloth all over the host who take huge sword to say.
"Yes~~~ got homesick ……" first time shows the person looking at a certain stars on the sky by the host of true character to nowise covers up to think of home of saying of feeling.
The host whom"just a song is just ……" falls in the tears of innocent child to still force a smile say.
"Yes~~~~Oneself in those early years drive host of a talk 1 line draw on?"Qiao son heart in sweet sweetly beg for a way,Facebook.Lookinging at the Qiao son has never answered the facial expression of his/her own words but shape lace with sweet look is dark to talk down, rise one in the heart mournful ……
"How?My lecture is quite good ……"I stand down a set to speak proudly a way.
"Slice~~~ petty skill ……"
"The thick Yan is shameless ……"
"Is mean mean ……" hasn't waited until many females to cry up and then welcomed three guys malice for burning with jealousy vilification ……
"Slice~~~ have skill you top~~~" I disdain to of way.
"We top we up ……" hence 3 people appeared on stage, they the performance of clown sort ask for public laughter ……but I am next can be breathed to greatly sigh in the stage:"The man's faces all drive you to dropped to the utmost ……" but don't know when the pity teacher has already left ……
"The elder brother is excellent …… elder brother excellent stick ……" Lin sand again'stick'at my body up call way.
"The Lin sand doesn't want to make ……come down quickly, right bower, know that you are seeking to fasten the book of sorcery concerning the space early in the morning ……so I at'secret garden'borrow for you to come to a book ……you see useful?"The lace took out a very old book to say.
"Really?Thank you ……"connecting of my excitement over book Xie Dao.
"This book really too likes …… I remember that once says 1 time ……" I turned over two page happy way.
"……" Lace is wearing a smile to have no language.
"You really with quiet attention, who can marry you are really the luck that his ten generation sons fix ……" I exclamation way.
"BE?"The lace self-ridicule smiled to say with smile.
"Certainly ……" my firmness says.
"Can I am so ugly ……"
"Not,google!!I once said, you weren't ugly!!You aren't ugly at all ……you aren't ugly at all in my in the mind at least ……outward appearance of beauty not equal to heart of beauty important, you compare those outward appearance beauty but heart such as poison the girl of the scorpion the United States many ……"my voice more and more and greatly also more and more excited, I is angry!!But I don't know somehow or other and also why always never is suddenly own ugly face but lost the self-confidence in the past days today from the sad lace because of own facial appearance ……
Listen to I say so that the lace gave one smiling of a sincerity say:"Thank you …… yours' comfort' make my in the mind comfortable ……"
"Not yes, what I said is true, have no' comfort' ……" I realize a lace in of'comfort'be'wretchedness'of meaning ……
"Do I really have you to say so goodly,cnn?If that my nobody wants you marry me like ……"the lace is one saying of face fun.
"Good~~~~As long as you don't dislike me than your short of words, I am a doesn't matter ……"I blurt out right away ……
The lace is a Leng first to seem she has never anticipated I will say so generously, she sadly smiled to smile to say:"Ha ha ha~~~~Young man, the don't being on impulse gives indiscriminately commitment ……will let like this the other people misunderstand of ……"said to still clap head that felling clapping me to be like the aunt is teaching an unreasonable kid.
"……" I mean to say me so much not is at pitiful she, also not is what on impulse just say so ……but my heart but again is doubting I:"Can you really be not?"
"Good~~~ the elder brother want to marry an elder sister that to also want to marry a Lin sand ……" Lin sand leaps to jump of run to come over to embrace my arm to say.
"Ha ha ha~~~~Good!!Buying to greatly send is small ……"the Lin sand broke that embarrassed atmosphere.
"The Lin sand doesn't want to commit tomfoolery …… come over quickly ……"
"Why?Just elder brother also says Lin sand amiability, does the Lin sand beauty love me with him~~~"the way of the Lin sand child spirit.
"!!"Lookinging at of lace surprise I.
"But isn't that a password?"My brain has a little careless.
"What password?Did we when have password?"Counter-questioning of lace doubt I ……
"!!Good ……Lin sand!!"I set up for the little liar whom a very angry shape hopes a part, dare feeling I just is cheated for her~~~~
"~~~Disheveled hair now, the elder sister escape quickly~~~~"The Lin sand sees'scheme'leaks out to vomit to vomit a small tongue to start to pull a lace to escape right away ……looking at the background that they escape I and the Qiao son write towards hoping wry smile.
The Lin salad wears a lace run very far just stop bottom, originally in the assembly hall of smiling face now already Kua come down ……looking at a Lin sand wrinkly the small face is wrinkly lace to ask a way:"Lin sand what's the matter with you??"
"Elder sister is suffered ……" Lin sand cries to lose a face to say.
"Tell an elder sister quickly where suffered?"The lace panic says.
"I am painful here ……and very sour ……blare~~~~Did elder sister get sick?"The Lin sand points at his/her own heart to say to say that fixing attention on a basket to accumulate is full tears.
"Doing not cry doesn't cry ……the Lin sand don't cry ……tell the elder sister your this circumstance to when appear?"Lace Leng wearing a smile ask a way all of a sudden.
"…… At just while wanting to marry an elder sister elder brother ……" Lin sand says.
"Ha ha ha~~~ the bond maid grew …… the academic association felt jealous ……" lace ha ha of smile,
"Is jealous??Is very sour but isn't a jealous flavor~~~~"Lin Sha doesn't understand a way.
"Is jealous to also call to envy Ji ……promise an elder sister to don't envy Ji, either forever, because envying the Ji is to equal occupancy and equal to jump a claim ……so you will lose a lot of you don't think lost thing …… don't you like an elder sister?"
"Not!I like ……"
"Do not you like Qiao son?"
"Not!I like ……"
"You don't miss we together living?"
"Think ……"
"So promise an elder sister to don't envy Ji, either forever forever ……good?"The lace lightly dauts the hair of Lin sand endless love of say.
"H'm~~~" Lin sand understand don't understand of return to way.Anne handed the heart of younger sister but lace confused and matchless, because of previous oneself that in the mind very sour felling not is also envy Ji?
Next three days inside I have never seen a lace, don't know is that she has heart to avert from the I still Is hide her in the unconscious ……in fine I have never seen her, while I had understand of deeper time to the mysterious space sorcery from she give my book!!Originally so-called gravity Shu, the slow Shu is also 1 kind of space sorcery ……the gravity Shu is to make use of the characteristic of space chemical element from up and downward squeeze to make enemy be as double as the environment pressure of surroundings thus;And the slow Shu then is more simple, it is the density that passes to increase the space chemical element in the air to decelerate the enemy's speed ……and this slow Shu is also the Qiao son says of that'space coagulation'of weaken a version!!And the reason the book is an originally good book is that it even deluxe sorcery-moment ambulation also has to mention, although just a concept of faintness have been all right already to my genius like this ……
"My Shan!!"I double put a body at the between the eyebrows Xuan a turn to lightly drink a way.Sees my[one] Xuan after death disappear at first.
"Hum~~~~I am indeed as expected a genius Related articles:

