
Artist Series insurance the ground

Of cry up:"This boy, remarkable ……"
2 people is after mutually holding not and in a short while, because 2 people's real strenght hangs too much extremely, the thunder gradually keeps on hurting especially.
"Ha ha ha~~~small doll, what person are you ?"See oneself after winning, 'thousand noodles deicides'cachinnation way.
"World mercenary soldier regiment ……" thunder sinks a voice to say especially.Words voice the left hand thumb that just fell thunder to hold knife especially a played night knife for month at sent out a knife to sing at the same time sheath, the night month knife grasps after a recruit the open hostilities type that the ratio so learns especially since the childhood-ten words cross to cut!Dynasty'thousand noodles deicides'drive fast, because thunder especially with small compare especially of the capability discrepancy hang extremely, so ten words of thunder special envoy cross to cut enough to have one person much Gao.
" Must be good!"'Thousand noodles deicides'see together and by leap and bound fly toward oneself of ten word knives spirit, after shouting at top of voice left hand Yang the knife is also a ten word knife spirit dynasty the thunder offend to go especially, a two knives bombing annoy three meters the Foreign Minister bump and deep-fry the water pillar of having a Gao Gao at him ……but oddness of was the middle of water pillar to appear one personal hole of form.
Affair very suddenly, sees'thousand noodles deicides'can not see pure speed left hand luck knife quickly block by ordinary people ……finally'thousand noodles deicides'stopped down, point of a knife still with a downward exposure, at the same time at his nearby appeared the Mars of one stars, the foot has 48 of many.The water pillar of this Gao Gao just a downfall of Hua, nearby light some Mars to also immediately disappear, but his nearby left is late come of'Ding Ding Ding'metal of bump the voice of shot.At fall in the another part thunder of water pillar the figure have been already disappeared and see again especially'thousand noodles deicides'still on on every occasion standing over there, the one is very obviously the long sleeve that the sharp weapon pares the next ash cloth from he to decline under, and at he after death of thunder outside seven meters especially the right hand hold knife also an on every occasion stand over there ……
Originally the thunder flicked first especially a ten word kniveses is immediately after again one skill after annoying'second kill'.The speed super quick second water pillar that kill to walk Gao Gao Zha also wore a hole, although having covering of water pillar can beat'thousand noodles deicides'one is caught unprepared, can also because the resistance of water pillar reduces Be getting slower'second kill'of speed, 'thousand noodles deicides'nature also not is what wave get hollow reputation of generation, he early even if was quasi- thunder especially affirm will lend covering of water pillar to beat him one is caught unprepared, hence under the sistuation that worked well the whole preparation block next'second kill'medium of 77419 knives of 48 knives.Because'second kills'possess singly of quickly and wily angle, so at end of one knife he didn't in time block, just insurance insurance the ground once hid, but that drive pare the next gusset then him that'insurance insurance'under of price ……
Although"good knife method …… small doll, the old man accompanies you to play ……" mouth inside is to say so,the in the mind scolds a way:"Damn!Unexpectedly leveret Zai son incredibly and so gains and losses, if don't kill you today, I later which still have a face to have a foothold in the lake at the river!"
Say to is late that to is quick, 'thousand noodles deicides'the flying of Xiu are much Gao since ten meters, he greatly drinks a way after in the sky and certainly living:"The breeze thunder knife method-thunder light ten thousand Zhangs!" Sees'thousand noodles deicides'left hand of the strange knife became a regiment only and rang roll of thunder sort peal at the same time, and then a row drains the pillar is in the thunder especially of the body start to deep-fry beside.
The thunder sees a sturdy current of air dynasty inherit by himself/herself especially, but because current of air to must too and suddenly make thunder especially can be avoided being seen with a kind of very urgent posture, he the body beat horizontal revolve and want and turn over and give vent to anger and flow and inherit of scope, but this current of air is like endless, a row connects a row without intermission bomb have been following and stretch in addition to 30 meters, and pitiful thunder especially also can one and otherly turn over don't dare and stop bottom,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, keep turning over 30 meters outside just stop bottom ……
Each lieutenant tenth, rice, almost each meter has two rows, have been following to stretch to more than 30 rices far, that prospects is to bomb on board machine gun at strafe similar.But this hasn't ended, 'thousand noodles deicides'see this recruiting to have no to harm thunder to then and again drink a way especially:A thunder that"lightning lightning flash ……" bombs just just stopped especially at first right away drive deep-fried have a diameter of the huge water pillar of about ten meters, but this thunder didn't in time stay away especially.
The huge water pillar hasn't fallen in'thousand noodles deicides'another time drink a way:"Breeze book cripple cloud ……" says a turning to the left of 360 degreeses body strange knife from bottom highest flick, mightiness of the knife spirit arouse current of air, the current of air starts to be quickly concentrated, then from left go to rightly revolve, moment the current of air have already become Gao Qi Mi's gray tornado dynasty the flood pillar hurtle to ……
"Ah!~~~"In the huge water pillar listens to a roars, a make the black translucent huge knife wearing from water pillar in the center, then chop down water pillar two halfs, water pillar complies with the surrounding to fall in ……consequently can see the source of pure huge knife!
The source is exactly a thunder especially, sees he be wrapped up by a transparent ball to there is no a drop of drop of water on body, the thunder holds the huge knife one foot that more than ten rices grow to start to jump especially, the thunder starting to jump complies with the surrounding especially at the same time from last to descend chop down huge knife tornado that hurtles toward the Ju itself, tough huge knife immediately will three clip a great deal of tornado of sea water to abruptly chop down two halfs ……
"Ah~~~" thunder especially again the round rise huge knife to shout at top of voice when the head chops down to'thousand noodles deicides'.
'Thousand noodles deicides'realize the gains and losses of huge knife also and don't dare to treat slowly, sees the horizontal knife of his hands lead a crest, the body appeared true spirit of protecting of a circle globosity body beside ……
The huge knife finally chops down at'thousand noodles deicides'of strange knife up.Listens to'Ding' of a huge knife be held up road, but'thousand noodles deicides' the whole individual be been hard to keep on pressing by the huge knife.If this act falls the words in the outsider eyes, their affirmation will think'thousand noodles deicides'because arrive to can not hold up against thunder strong knife spirit be just pressed down especially, but the thunder knows it in heart this especially old evil head whereabouts just for resisting own strength ……
The thunder laid up to really gasify especially of huge knife,Artist Series, because this huge knife will consume oneself is a great deal of of true spirit, he don't imagine the idiocy is small compare especially so chase true spirit exhaustion empress again let people to cut into pieces ……lay up after the huge knife his head with a downward exposure the swoop bottom go, swoop of the his right hand hold knife at the same time, left hand combine rise the sword point.Then the double become a way to falsely copy to greatly drink a way behind:"Nine Yin bones claw-sky Luo's types!"A big net dynasty that weaves to°from the grey spirit sword'thousand noodles deicides'spread to go, the net in ash white in the beginning not and greatly only a square meter just, but it descend one meter and then will enlarge each time 100%, tenth, the distance of rice lets it became to°from original square meter more than ten square meters.
'Thousand noodles deicides'looking at this strange recruit type not is know this is what things, but want no matter and is the principle that what things and anyway don't answer and then can't occupy hereafter on backing an and jumping, break out of the scope of big net, then sprang up to once hide thunder to occupy vantage point especially of offensive ……the thunder see especially this recruit invalid, hands' supporting in the sea surface to come up one is revolving of 360 degreeses,Beats Detox, yell a way again:"Ground net type ……"
Momentary the sea surface of radius five meters up is like a bottom of sea missile similar flee a more than 20 way grey color spirit sword, the spirit sword in ash white shoots a God to get empty, but annoys indiscriminately shooting of the sword dog dinner rightness'thousand noodles deicides'little threat.But when the spirit sword shoots the half got empty of time suddenly bend to have uncanny curve, with'thousand noodles deicides'for the center is shot by each direction, therefore avoid being seen to cannot compare with'thousand noodles deicides'get empty in the half drive bomb just wear ……
See'thousand noodles deicides'have no in time and move out of the way thunder especially to happily think a way in the heart:"Damn of old evil dead ……see you still go toward where run?"But etc. explosion later on of the smoke spread go to empress thunder especially of the smiling face Jiang lived, because'thousand noodles deicides'still stop in the half to get empty be wrapped up by the transparent ball, have a liking for some harm also have no, see my thunder a little bit disappoint to also have a little especially upset, but also arise his will to fight at the same time:"Can not have his cheapness on the recruit type, see to have to hard to put together ……" thoughts of that my thunder shouts at top of voice an one foot to start to jump hands to hold a knife dynasty especially'thousand noodles deicides'fly to ……
2 people fight together, speed more and more and quickly and gradually sea surface up push 2 people's figure, left 2 people the weapon mutually touch ring out of the voice of Ding Ding, the half month form knife spirit and a root falling thick and fasting everywhere are deep-fried the water pillar of by the half month form knife spirit, also 2 people often leave of remnants shadow ……
The circumstance like this only held half for hour, pirate ship Related articles:

