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He did not die .Or that he does not believe in his comrades dead .relationresultTolook back !To finally meet his Bahai place .relationresultAvery smooth on the way .Numerous undead catches hold of almost all the enemy .
Coupled with the BOT who blesses to storm the speed .Bypassing enemy after several dial .He was the union general body found his bahai ,cheap dr dre beats.relationresultNot evencheck if he was still alive :This is not important .
Even if his Bahai .Now he must bring the body away .relationresultBOTto his comrades shoulder to shoulder .This action causes behind the wound tear again .Large units of blood gushing out .
Sixinliefei pain again, almost let he faints .relationresultButbe not afraid of the pain men bot !!He Zhemei low Zou said : brother ,let ! They do not return to the battlefield .relationresultPerhapsback pain excitation potential BOT ,carrying his Bahai should run faster more .
Fortunately !Not far off Heike ,his obligatory succeeded carry people work .relationresultBOTis almost the last to leave the battlefield Orc warrior ,broken cranial sergeant Ciro personally welcomed him into the queue .
Retreat began .relationresultIthas more than 20000 orc ,and now through the cover from the battlefield out only five thousand people .The five thousand men plus completely missed melee mage forces .
relationresultBut the five thousandwarrior achievement is quite remarkable ,for holding two times the enemy forces for several hours ,as the arrival of the main force for a sufficient time .
relationresultButthis achievement, also only for their outstanding military exploits ,icing on the cake .relationresultLotharlooked at all the blood ,armor broken men ,there was no method is described .
He turned to the side of a masked wrapped the body in black robes in the master said: Sir, thank you .Your natural surgery saved all the people here ,you as the imperial sacrifice will be forever respect .
, relationresultMaskmaster voice disorders are dry : don ,the final resurrection battlefield corpses scourge is the result of joint efforts of all mages .Just borrowed my physical particularity have so strong effect only, and these are my responsibility .
, relationresultCan !Sir, if not you sacrifice yourself into the blood to melt the coffin ,avatar ....... , relationresultLothar lieutenant, you don .We better get going !Your soldiers now is completely on the willpower in support ,meet early supporting forces ,can let these warriors earlier .
They need to rest mask master interrupted Lothar had wanted to say .Intonation indifferent said .relationresultAfter ten minutesrelationresultBOTnow sits in a small mound ,behind the wound has been receiving force brings medical reels cured .
Broken armour is still down .Stolen Warhammer still on hand .He is to enjoy the present landscape landscape ,what ?, the eye can see army !!Imperial army .relationresultGood,now BOT before is :Munro Empire ,his Majesty the emperor personally led a force of ten empire ,cheap beats by dre.
Riding Wolf Legion had passed ,they should now be just in the BOT struggled the battlefield ,who were caught up the human forces .relationresultHewas looking at the infantry phalanx :the dark armour ,lances ,with huge buckler ,neat pace ,with banner .
With the sun just rising soon .relationresultBOTheart rises somewhat drunk feeling :Emperor win !Henceforth Kansas and frontal lueneburg between land, will be flying the majesty of the imperial flag !!The lost years land back to the motherland !!!Long live Empire Long live the king of endless !!relationresultThis is theBOT coma before final thoughts ,no, maybe with coma is not suitable ,because he is asleep ,too tired !!relationresult.
relationresultChapter twenty-seven comrades , relationresultAt noon the following day,blood banner battalion of the new camp ,the ten group of tent , relationresultBOT,open our eyes, turn up .
relationresultHe shook his headto earlier from the chaos in the wake of a kettle ,suddenly put to in front of .The kettle was his Bahai sitting on the bed to see the other side .Take kettle BOT with just waking up the unique voice asked: in this .
Then he looked up binge ,he now is not generally thirsty .relationresultHis Bahaiadjust my sitting position, one leg is extended to the BOT quilt .Give an irrelevant answer says: you from the battlefield will be carried me out ? , relationresult,I find you ,Heike carry you out .
He is going to take you to the treatment of !!How. BOT was stupefied replied .relationresultHis Bahainodded : no ,your new armor at the bedside .The helmet is also just made the whole cover .
In addition !Outside the tent and left water supply ,can take a shower . , relationresultYou know me have stood up to the BOT patted his shoulder ,grabbed a towel and a new shirt ,pants ,a tent .
Straight to the bathroom .relationresultThebathroom is a water supply tent ,but even so ,BOT is also very satisfied .Cold water poured on the skin,beats dr dre, smooth Gleditsia liquid is painted all over the body .
relationresultRinse againwhen, the original white soap liquid flowing down from the BOT ,are changed to red .It is a battle ,from the armor gap into soaked shirt stained in the BOT blood .
relationresultBOTlike take a shower especially in war .This is the person that is familiar with him know .relationresultWasin the bathroom over half an hour ,a returned to his own tent started ;for five people sitting inside ,but also are Sergeant :Heike ,Shotton ,Bill ,Leo ,his bahai .
The only one not Sergeant owl ,is busy helping Bill ,he put his pipe .relationresultSeeall three other non-commissioned officers are already in the smoke .Bot that in itself just take a shower time .
The owl has certainly not free .relationresultJust sat inbed .He satirized came: you may be the brigade in the longest time to take a shower .The captain should for this grant you a medal .
But you say this medal to the back to write something good ?You are a clean orc .Or take a shower is the honor of your life . , relationresultForceEurope gave a laugh .Even the owl could not help secretly pie .
relationresultBOTshakes helplessly .After all, love take a shower this habit .The ORC was very good .relationresultAt this time Chaudunfor his rescue : bot you leave him .He just didn know how .
Ha-ha. Just in the medical department in time .The orc female nurses were almost he smoked faint .You don her at that time .Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha , relationresultHa-ha.The little girl knows what .
The man taste .Is ?In Europe by Bill sound greatly shouted .relationresultGet supportin Europe more furious : is ,the little nurse .She is also a lifetime do not enjoy the real man !! , relationresultIf you enjoy a real man is the price he was vomiting words every day !I believe that no woman would want .
Exhaled smoke of the Heike appropriate loss in Europe a .relationresultFor a timethe tent rings ,large tracts of laughter .relationresultFrolicwas continued for a long time ,until the mercy from the outside to move a large barrel in behind him ,Molken is also the same .
The final friction rupee is carrying a basket filled with meat ., , relationresultSeen thisBOT to completely understand what happened ,built for this group of people is to drink .relationresultHis Majesty forces in the vicinity ,military forces should also come . Related articles:

