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A prince ,and the emperor is a juvenile intimates ,their relationship was by far better than the other ministers ,general challenges ,it didn ,Yang Yan inappropriate when the senator to make ,and there was no difference .
And Yang Yan reputation is high, fame is big, but do not have actual power ,it is also so ,Yang Yancai will not roll such as the various things ,detached from the position, it would not cause the suspicion ,but to get the emperor trust .
Instead of a Yang Yan post pivot quest ,but holding power, and must face the various things ,so ,will not be able to maintain this detachment attitude ,for a long time, will inevitably be generated between the emperor and the defect of gap ,and then we take it ,will make them between cracks .
, relationresultWang Anju came tosee light suddenly ,said: so that is what it is. ,that can be understood . , relationresultThenjust have never said Shi Miyuan also said : there is a little ,Yang Yan is in general as pivot quest ,inevitable meeting to cause most officials dissatisfaction ,but officials to the implementation of the assessment system ,change ,fill yam to the disaffected, but in the position to be opposed to .
But Yang Yan was appointed as privy to ,will undoubtedly give these disaffected officers against a breakthrough at the opportunity ,they will play ,try to oppose .With the emperor ,must not succumb to the pressure ,persist in wilfully and arbitrarily .
In this way ,the emperor and the estrangement between the emperor ,that officials are not reliable ,and officials of the emperor dissatisfaction will be expanded, to our great will help .
Unfortunately, or work not completed . , relationresultThe kinghome : so, although the young emperor ,to a sharp figure .We haven done . ,cheap dr dre beats, relationresultShi MiyuanMoran ,in fact in the beginning of the reign of Zhao Chengang ,Shi Miyuan did not take him too seriously ,think he is only a child ,just because of Yang Yan support ,and there are no other Zhao candidate, was lucky to sit on the throne .
When the emperor ,must be a mediocrity ,only for Yang Yan ,Zhao Qianru et al to gauge which has words .Yang Yan is nothing but a military man, Zhao Qianru was a woman, is not difficult to deal with .
relationresultThe knowledge ofZhao Chen doing letter when Wang has been unknown to the public ,not only as Zhao Kai ,even as his sister Zhao Qianru so prestigious ,as emperor ,he was only three years of much time ,to not only the smooth implementation of the law ,but now also reformed and auxiliary system ,official system, vigorously and please the song was left to malpractice .
Foreign defeated the invasion ,and with a tough attitude and the peace ,and now also determined to launch the war ,gained comprehensive victory .A time of high prestige ,by Emperor Taizong almost .
Far more than other big Song Dynasties emperor .relationresultAlthough thesethings are not Zhao Chen alone ,but achieved these results with Zhao Chen behind the uphold and support are inseparable ,therefore Zhao Chen is young ,but it shows have become a generation of Ming Jun, enough with the Han Wu Tang ,song compared to potential too .
Ambitious secretary never wished to serve a brilliance and ambition of the emperor .Of course Shi Miyuan Qing Chu ,under Zhao Chen ,they never reached the goal ,even if it is up to the secretary position ,only honest emperor ,as his duty .
To master the affairs of state, is not possible .relationresultWhile Shi Miyuan wentto myself ,to face the emperor ,his plan is success rate ,if you know at the outset Zhao Chen would be the emperor ,if they come to the beach water ?But Shi Miyuan is not willing to go so just mediocre ,he knew that the risk is bigger, income is bigger also ,but seek change event successful ,will not only Cheng hold court ,and will be the prime minister.
Weijirenchen ,,it lived up to their original decision to father .relationresultIn pursuit of powerand perseverance ,so that Shi Miyuan is not willing to give up even if it is a opportunity ,also a go for it ,even if the future is fail, lose all standing and reputation ,die an untimely on ,that is not to hesitate to .
relationresultShi Mi is far fromclear and soft voice ,said: ,please do not be discouraged ,our event is not without hope .Because the emperor to carry out the reform of system ,officials ,hereditary system ,caused many people to the dissatisfaction ,as long as we can use ,the future is bound to help us ,dr dre beats.
And we are in the dark, with mental arithmetic without ,no chance ,can forbear from ,that is afraid of latent ten years twenty years ,but found the opportunity ,will reach out ,blow in .
As long as you can get ,the high position and handsome salary ,glory, splendour, wealth and rank are point the day and await for it .So you want a good ,there is still time to pull out . , relationresultThey alllooked at each other ,no one said to exit .
Like attracts like. Thus ,Shi Miyuan gathered ,are all a bunch of desire for power, but as Shi Miyuan said, is not devoid of hope ,and all knows ,a pirate ship, it is not .Don what Shi Miyuan had said so, there is still time to pull out ,in fact all of five are involved in secret ,but if anyone says to exit ,other people will first deal with him .
relationresultOverhalf the day ,no one said this vision of history ,before: good ,that ,the capital, and we will meet their joints ,and then detailed planning . And to Wang Shiyong ,Sun Bingwen two says: to it ,by the two of you ,must be secret, don let the cat out of the bag .
, relationresultSeventy-seven home , relationresultIn March,Yang Yanye led the army returned in triumph to the .relationresultYang Yan arrives atJiankang to afternoon when not ,just as the pivot quest King arthritis and deputy to Xin Qiji ,as well as the three imperial supervisor work together out of town in ten ,awaiting their return .
Yang Yan and Zhao Yueru saw ,also quickly dismounted ,and the people .Wang Yan and Yang Yan have two colleagues ,Xin Qiji and Yang Yan friend ,two people already have more than two years no see ,the gathering, nature is very happy .
relationresultTheymeet, greet ,greeting each other hard .After a polite .Also invites Wang Yan and Xin Qiji to tell Yang Yan ,today it ,let Yang Yanxian go home and rest ,tomorrow morning will the emperor in the Palace Square in front of a force ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,and also held captive ceremony with Yang yan .
relationresultSacrifice captured ceremony the show victory and became the highest ceremony ,exploits set will be personally to the monarch reported exploits ,and will cut off the enemy ,captive ,and pray to win trophies and other objects are displayed in the military field, and by the monarch personally accept the herald ,read as spoils of war, a war Army soldiers ,and meritorious awards .
The leading generals ,is a high wing transcripts .relationresultAfter he heard the news,Yang Yangang called ,arrange a centaur ,will give Li Xianzhong ,Chen Min ,Qi Fang ,back to the barracks .
And let him go back to Jiankang ,and two Mongolia Princes :eight infants with fire and bright red .But Yang Yan is not to have a thing ,so they didn go to the inn to rest ,but to let Ali took them to find a place of temporary residence, waiting for the news .
And then with Zhao Yueru ,with Zhang Wei and several pro - vide back to the mansion .relationresultThe familyhad received the letter, Yang Yan in September last year when leaving the healthy ,this is going to stay at home half a year ,five other ladies are concerned ,when he finally came back ,nature is happy to have .
relationresultThe palaceof the Butler Yang Quan with four other duct and a group of men as well as some neighborhood relatives together ,waiting at the door ,stood hundreds of people, will be almost a street filled .
Yang Yan and a pedestrian before entering into the door, immediately being surrounded ,greeting him ,never stop talking .Immediately someone beat gongs and sound drums ,firecrackers roar Related articles:

