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 The absolute being of Wei China knows into very quick Wei China of villa to make sure that this is really Denghui Lee's residence, because a lot of room Weis in this villa China all discovered Denghui Lee's photograph, Denghui Lee in nowadays has no in the villa.The person, who lives in villa, combines not much, only a women of old age and 45 maids and 45 see the appearance elephant is a bodyguard of person, the old woman person should be Denghui Lee's wives.Wei China takes back absolute being to know and bite to pull out from the flank in mouth of lie small grass to lie in the grass cluster, he is waiting Denghui Lee to come back.Pretty much near midnight Denghui Lee came back, Denghui Lee embarks of the car next time arrived villa in two convoys of cars, the guard of villa opened front door, and three cars drove into the yard of villa.
Wei China knows to see with the absolute being, formerly empress two car top and bottoms come to six bodyguards, again 6 people's escort bottom Denghui Lee got off into villa inside, see the appearance's so-called republic government protect to this deputy president of Denghui Lee still pretty tight.Denghui Lee returned to villa the inside directly arrived at the den of the third floors, his wife was on the second floor of bedroom in already asleep, see appearance Denghui Lee not to want to bother his wife's sleep, there is also a cubicle in the den.The maid sends ascend a cup beverage left den after, Denghui Lee saw a short while document in the den, then take a rest in the cubicle.The public security of this villa looks like tight, in fact is a loophole is 100.Patroling the personnel didn't provide with a police dog.Near patrol the personnel's eyes is can hardly discover to invade a ground of personnel.Is the privacy that personal residence has a lot of host, so have never installed to shoot to be like to supervise and control system.A villa like this is a room that didn't close the door to come and go to Wei China in nowadays from such as!
The personnel whom Wei China averts from to patrol the ground window got into the cubicle that Denghui Lee takes a rest from the third floor, the blackness in the bedroom the slightest didn't influence the activity of Wei China, Wei China arrives at Denghui Lee of before the bed, on his neck lightly a knock.Denghui Lee in the sleeping faints, Wei China's taking out from the space ring has already readied to of medicine, pour into Denghui Lee's mouth inside, however rearguard China is in the ground neck of Denghui Lee of a little bit aer certain, the medicine in the Denghui Lee's mouth keeps on being swallowed by him, with rearguard China the ground cubicle leave from Denghui Lee, didn't leave the slightest someone once came in of trace.Wei China's giving the medicine that Denghui Lee takes is special medicine, this kind of medicine is what Su is thin second to come out according to some data researches in the contact machine under the request of Wei China, and what to study this kind of medicine was central intelligence agency and Soviets ground national security committee of the United States at the earliest stage.Is also Soviets gram for being so called space Bo.However Su is thin second the effect for developing than these two in the world biggestly especially the work organization research come out of the effect be much good friends with.
The medicine that Su is thin second to develop is taking after several minutes, the blood of human body flows and then will accelerate, blood pressure the meeting continuously increase Gao.Particularly being the pressure in the brain blood vessel will quickly enlarge, until the brain blood vessel break, forms apoplexy and causes to die.According to thin Su secondly emulation calculation, take Su thin second develop of medicine, death rate is a hundred per cent.Take after the death an hour, the medicine will metabolize resolve to complete in the human body, can't leave any trace, be with the most advanced medicine examine means also examination don't come out.So from Denghui Lee's villa after coming out.Wei China happily returned to his/her own hotel room, because he knows the dead of Denghui Lee settles.Indeed as expected after, two days' the newspaper in Taiwan publishes of Denghui Lee ground the Fu tell and see to nobody a doubt Denghui Lee ground cause of death.
Denghui Lee died, Wei China came to the task of Taiwan to end, and leaving a ground of time was time for playing.Denghui Lee clay-coldly the fourth day evening Wei China left the room of hotel and arrived at famous business amusement of XiMending, this Taipei area.Wei China literally sought a night club to go in, didn't also the reserved box sought a position to sit down in the hall.Right away arrive at to°from the waiter nearby, Wei China literally ordered some beverages.Then sit to start appreciating the performance on the satge over there.BE having a singer on the satge of this night club is singing, however what singer sang is what Wei China don't understand, because what singer use is a South Fukien dialect, Wei China doesn't understand, but Wei China likes the atmosphere here.The waiter was very quick and then sented beverage to come up, Wei China didn't order the beverage of wet goods, he knows oneself his own capacity for liquor not good, and is a person of oneself in the outside again, so wanted other beverages.Wei China just picked up beverage.Listen to a flank a clear and crisp voice in the distance not to say:
"Elder sister Yi!What are you dry?I ask you to the night club be invite you to drink.How don't you drink!I don't believe you abroad so several years, have never drunk!Drink tea to have what mean.Come us or drink,dr dre beats!My grandpa said that the man who doesn't drink isn't a good man, my viewpoint is the person who doesn't drink and then isn't a good person!If you the words that don't drink, I don't make you walk!"Wei China listenned to this words "burst" of a vomited out the beverage in the mouth, the in the mind thought a way:This is what person?Have so a personality!Educate own sons and daughters unexpectedly is educate so, is really a cow person!Don't wait Wei China to see those two female kids, the female kid who talk's pouring was the head that found out Wei China up, listen to the woman just talking saying:
"Boy!What funny?Do I say what's wrong?I see your being different from is a good person, the appearance of a thief's eyebrow rat eye.A big man's entering night club doesn't drink drink beverage, a pair of shifty looks see indiscriminately still everywhere, whether want to have what cheapness!I tell you, had this young lady to die at you this heart!"Wei China becomes overdo to come to see to talk to oneself of female kid.Leave Wei China there are two female kids in not that far place and wear a red shirt on 1, descend wear the female kid of blue jeans to this Wei China one vice- horizontal eyebrow is cold rightness of and make threatening gestures of appearance, Wei China knows to is this female kid to talk to him.This girl's sub- round face, big eyes, short hair, the height is in one meter 70 or so, long lovely appearance,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, see appearance age also in the 89-year-old appearance, face thus of a girl Wei China basically didn't get angry of felling.
The girl's flank sits another girl, this is the girl whom a has much of qualities, oval face, Liu Ye Mei and cherry small, night club the dusk light don't influence the observation of Wei China at all, this female kid's skin white is delicate delicate, most of is that there is a kind of qualities of girls from prominent families on the girl's body.Wei China before crossing is that write a hand and inside want to do a romantic scholar, he can the romantic matter thoughting of is "the red Xiu companion reads that the night adds joss-stick".It are problems to cross advanced China to feed all of oneselfs, there is no opportunity consideration this kind of romantic matter.Cross of there is his/her own wife in rearguard China, but this a few wives basically can not comprehend this romance, Wei China also has no from enjoy this kind of romantic state of mind, red Xiu be not what persons can do of, a few wives of Wei China can not become red Xiu at least person like that.But at present of the woman is absolutely a red Xiu female kid like that, Wei China is very excited.This female kid sees Wei China see come over to their 2 people, hence smile to smiling of Wei China apology, then say to the red dress girl:
"Little male!What are you dry?You drink many!Apologize for this Sir quickly!"Then turn again head to say to Wei China:
"Is ashamed!Sir!This friend of mine drinks many!Hope you don't want to mind!"Hear own sister say so himself/herself, the red dress girl didn't do, loudly of say:
"Elder sister Yi!Do you fear what this boy sees?You see him so.Enter night club to drink beverage.It is to know on seeing didn't kind ground guy.This kind of guy my a person can deal with 9.Need not give him the apology!Boy!Do you say that I need to be apologized to you?"Finish saying to use threat ground, the look in the eyes looking at Wei China.Wei China looking at a red dress girl.Feel very interesting.And he really hopes to lend the machine understanding the flank drive the red dress girl is called elder sister Yi ground female kid.Hence say:
"Need not apologize to me,beats by dre uk!My capacity for liquor is very shallow.Drink and then will inebriate!So I don't drink.Even if entering night club is also similar.There was no law rules in Taiwan to enter night club and then have to drink!If there are a ground of words.I next time don't come Related articles:

