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Gram Lei Nuo way:"Will finals, are you nervous?"

The sound bamboo subconscious location in leaf bottom, "have a little yes."

The gram Lei Nuo bursts Chi on smiling, "originally you this guy will also nervous!"Her of course not knows that the strain said for embroidering leaf's sound means of what.

And gram the Lei Nuo smile at the same time of still have another person.The space pulls the west Si Hey the Hey say with smile, "originally piano, , not, young master you will also nervous!This my arriving is really for the first time to hear."

The leaf sound bamboo twists a head stare the space pull west the Si is one eye, he this just the ground of Shan Shan shut a mouth.

The gram Lei Nuo raises hand at leaf sound bamboo arm up lightly pound for a while, "your stem what scare this baldheaded uncle, forbid to humiliate a honest person."Although she is containing a strongly fortified city spoon birth of, all very good to everybody, the servant, escort in the home, have no a don't like this.Although she isn't the imperial house's person, at blue Di the second Si empire is high, everybody

Princess Ke Lei Nuo.The Ma Xi great emperor even exceeded a female to her doter and also accepted her to be adopted daughter.

Leaf sound bamboo Leng for a while, "what do you say?Do you say his honesty?"This time, not only was leaf's sound to embroider a nervous mood to smooth for several cents, show unintentionally one silk smiling face on the face, he after death of clear with purple facial expression also all become weird.

Surprising BE, the space pulls the face of the Si of west to ascend incredibly many several give bonus dizzy, "be, young master, you always not ability old humiliate my this honest person!"

Honesty?The open war huge monster space pulls west the Si be said into honesty, the leaf sound bamboo really wants to tell the gram of in front the Lei Nuo, and this human life on the guy hand had no 100,000 to also have 80,000.If you see the real strenght that his during the war shows, perhaps can't say his honesty any further.

"Like, we leave.The text is about to start than the finals."Leaf's sound embroiders to have no again entwine this topic, lead off outwardly walk.

Looking at a leaf sound bamboo high big outstanding figure, the gram Lei Nuo could not help thinking of a father to the he or she's words, according to the order of Ma Xi great emperor, , for at present guy that sees not and deeply, will exert the whole may leave he.The meaning of the paternal uncle close between the lines, if can not leave him second Si at the blue Di, perhaps ……

Thought of here, the gram Lei Nuo cans not helps some misgivings in the heart, the emotion also fell low for several cents and kept up with to go in quick time and arrived at a leaf sound bamboo nearby and he Be shoulder to shoulder ex- to go.

Hotel, a go 5 people to go straight to city to outside walk to, the hotel of leaf sound bamboo choice is apart from city outside game place not calculate too far, the common run of people is little half of two-hour period to also arrives.

"Leaf Su, can I ask you the question?"Simultaneously walk, the gram Lei Nuo cannot help but saying.She knows, if oneself doesn't open mouth on his/her own initiative, this guy seems to have no the meaning to talk with oneself.

The leaf sound bamboo refuses to be distracted of way:"You ask."

Gram Lei Nuo way:"I want to know, you actually for the sake of what come to take part in the text this time martial greatly ratio.If card Di the second Kingdom know that domestic's hasing you so individual completely can give you any treatment of possibility just.You come to blue Di second Si, because the empire real strenght is strong, suit your exhibition more, still because of other what?"

The leaf sound bamboo shows unintentionally the brilliance of one silk dim moonlight in the eyes, "I come here, is just for the sake of a person."The finals will soon start, he now, always mindset steady oneself unexpectedly produces a very strong nervous in the mind, the subconscious said the truth.

"For the sake of a person?BE who?Princess?"Gram Lei Nuo the heart palpitates sped several cents and looking at the vision that leaf's sounded embroiders to also just a little change to change.

Leaf sound bamboo's twisting a head to see a gram Lei Nuo is one eye and at the right moment catch deep place of her eyes one silk curious about ray of light, "probably BE.If she really is that I want."

The gram Lei Nuo bursts Chi on smiling, way:"Your pouring is a cleverness, if the pure Mi that can get princess' his highness, and your real strenght, in the empire, perhaps and soon you can become a person for stiring up trouble."

The leaf sound bamboo smiled, the corner of mouth showed unintentionally one silk gird, "pure sound the vulgar life time stay, conflict when rest, who can break fame and wealth, the great void term roams about at pleasure.The fame and wealth is like floating cloud to me,beats by dre cheap."If he wants fame and wealth and use wear to second Si of blue Di?

"Feed, you are slowly to walk.Haven't you explained white."See leaf's sound to embroider to suddenly speed a step, the gram Lei Nuo quickly keeps up with in quick time, but the leaf sound bamboo walks really a little bit quickly, with her a body of sorcery teacher, in a short while of the time have already had some to pant noisily.See sound bamboo 4 people of leaf gradually far go to but have no way.

"This bad egg, none of words says clearly, run of pour is really quick."

Though is a finals the first text ratio disallow to watch, in the big field surroundings in school, still keep having already come together the people of the empire of second Si of in great quantities blue Di.Overwhelming majority person all for joining a crowd for fun since then, there are certainly also some people is want that seeing this text is martial greatly can invite to some talented persons than the empire.

Arrive at in addition to place, leaf sound bamboo and purple soft-voiced confabulation several after, purple take clear pull with space west Si disappear in the crowd but go.Leaf's sound embroiders to hold the text that he or she gets hold of to compare a No.1 license plate and rise walking of long steps into text compare finals place.

Today's text compares a finals place to compare a leaf the sound bamboo want in the imagination noisy of many, although the examinee of finals only have 10 people, in addition to ten examinees, he saw numerous visits at the same time.

These people all round to sit is testing field surroundings, although the body of everybody up all be dressed in slack suit,spread from their qualities and body top of different breathing leaf the sound bamboo can also see, all of these people is high-position, very obvious, they should be a blue Di second Si the text minister of the empire force will.No wonder that blue Di the second Si authorities disallow a civilian to watch this text compare finals, from at present this appearance can see a blue Di's second Si how valuing than the finals to this text.

The first gathers evil master chapter 214 soldier's chess of piano to push to play(is whole)

The text compares the examiner of intermediary heat gram Lu commander-in-chief.And intermediary heat ground examiner's emperor of Wu Bi*work a big minister gram thunder Si wave all in .But make leaf the sound bamboo is in astonishment some.These two people all unexpectedly aren't the text Yue set lords, because they just sit at be apart from central text Yue main recent position of set, but isn't a seat of host

The leaf sound bamboo is observing the circumstance in the place, surroundings these text martial big ministers is also observing him and have already been present a ground of thunder Si wave and gram Lu the vision of two brotherses is also complete concentration on his body.Be like want to see through he ground.

Card Di the news of the second sorcery teacher association have already spread to come over, in the record of sorcery teacher association, have never found out one to call a ground person of leaf, Su, , this news.Make the second Si the key figures of blue Di produce some doubts, but is being like empire emperor, Ma Xi Mo says that the ground is so.Since so ground the talented person arrive at blue Di second Si, don't pass his possibility.

They weren't never either to miss a leaf the sound bamboo will be the spy that the Milan empire sends, but Ma Xi Mo the ground angle goes out a thinking from oneself.Feel this possibility very small.If the Milan is such a strong.Perhaps and early send battlefield up, many a spirit that will greatly predict a books fasten a big evil tutor and have an incomparable function to the battlefield ground control, at this time send him to arrive second Si emperor of blue Dis all.This not is make it place oneself insurance ground.Ma Xi doesn't ask myself oneself is in no case will do like this, the west Er Wei Ao isn't a fool again.He should also can't.

Take part in the text soon compares of ten examinees have already together arrived, the gram Lei Nuo comes hereafter.100 boxes 100 stared a leaf the sound bamboo is one eye, but leaf sound bamboo but imitate a Buddha don't look like ground, eye view nose.Nose view, view heart.A completely at ease appearance.

Gram thunder Si the wave saw time an empress.To flank of gram Lu ordered to nod.

Gram Lu the station start.Walk to be present center, "many examinees, please stay back 10."

The examinees such as the speech retreat.Gram Lu on waving hand, immediately have 20 strongly soldier.Lift a bouncer walked to come in from the outside, that was a long side is ten meters.Short rectangular platform of side six meters up receives red cloth of 1 F.Ambiguously can feel on this platform put what things, 20 well-known scholars Related articles:

