
beats by dre pro e occupied Qin Yan

You boast ,keep these critical moment capacity of old guys jobs ,really want to give a little more .relationresultThe eighthrockery next ,an old man stood in rock side ,clutching a fistful of fish ,not anxious not to scatter to the bath ,at his feet, a large number of fish to gather together ,is a spectacular sight ,he saw Chen Ping ,Leng ,suddenly burst out laughing, attitude bold ,no formal Tao Chen Shao ,this time to see us how these old guys ,late late ,we old people ,the heart can never relax ,several old man will nurse a grievance pick you ,you have to properly fill this one can not ,this is all I go through fire and water with the old brother ,wounding kill line, drinking is not who fear ,so long as you come ,today can kill you .
relationresultChen Pingface forced smile ,look bleak ,but the old ,you don give me the conviction ,now the situation you can understand ,I now be triggered at any moment now, twenty-four hours a day to work ,always nervous ,come now ,I think the penalty ,but you have to catch my pigtails ,that is you .
relationresultAt the Queencan hold up half the sky .Dimin eyes a stare ,momentum is amazing, said little smile pretend with me ,you are really busy ,can run around the little lover ?Have a look the way we these old bones ?Hey ,who knows also wanted to take some people go to Beijing ?For help no problem ,have a meal wine again, this time to put you away ,I can a few good men .
relationresultChen Pinga cold sweat ,with those in the Chen family dedication for more than 20 years old guy ,he did not put up any home main shelf ,dumbfounding tract drink alcohol ,exercise ,an old ,don want to use Erguotou serve me ,cherish you like the Moutai Wuliangye out ,I let the kitchen for some good stuff ,you better not let me ,I will kill you once .
relationresultA Jinminfacial muscles trembled ,and without saying a word ,turn to call on members ,although is the club ace ,but also not always stay here in a daze ,half the number are sent to various places to shine ,eventually including A Jinmin ,only to the five seemingly old but healthy old guy ,which should include those for Chen Ping over a period of time the bodyguards of the old monster Wang Jianjun ,too ,but this acquaintance ,not to drink two cups of unlike words ,to say the least, to see if he was with a low-key lurk Beijing Wang Xian clothes sisters things ,Chen Ping are not good to refuse what .
relationresultClubkitchen quickly ,less than twenty minutes ,Chen Pingyao dish is an assorted ,Chen son has killed during nearly half a bottle of Wuliangye ,are A Jinmin contraband goods ,wines mellow ,he this drink, apparently on several other old guy appetite ,leaving only a bibulous Ann Dimin feel depressed ,Chen take pleasure in other people ,a spur of the moment ,just dumped a summoning ,had just finished ,the two women together called up ,in the room is gnash the teeth in anger curse someone die two girls froze ,and stood up to go on ,which actually have a little fall over each other .
relationresultWomenhave two enemies ,one is time ,is another man .relationresultThisgreatly in science .relationresultTwo womenwith great care has been on the club members considered forbidden on the eighth floor ,first is extremely particular about hall to shake ,the equipment if placed on a floor ,although there are indeed taste ,is luxury ,but not too hard to do ,the money on the line, but on the eighth floor the air, there is little rock ,the first time in three years on the Qin Yan Yue ,and try new sits beside Chen Ping, looked calm, but the actions are appearing a prim ,sat down beside Chen Ping ,and daughter-in-law of small ,cute .
relationresultChen Pingsmiled ,more than two women fighting back ,suddenly doubled ,he does not care for A Jinmin some greenish complexion ,beats by dre pro,with several other old man drink eat ,and occasionally to around two women harmonious atmosphere .
relationresultFromtwelve noon to three p.m. .relationresultFrom three pmto six pm .relationresultAmeal of a day, in the Qin feel it a little Mimi pain when ,a meal finally falls next heavy curtain .
relationresultChen Gongzieyes are blurred ,managed to keep a sober ,red-faced ,Guan Gong ,the five old guys also had to go, panting ,took the lead in the field .relationresultChen Pinghee giggle ,looked around two women ,under these circumstances ,is it than flowers ,in one of his face on a kiss ,they helped his command back to the room, open the door after the refit ,poured directly on the bed roll .
relationresultQinYan pulled him up ,he will be dragged into the bathroom to wash the face, was molested countless times ,finally pulled him out again ,Chen Ping is back and forth to toss about ,barely recovered a sober ,looked at two women ,Hei hei laugh ,climbed into bed, began to pull neat exudes delicate fragrance quilts .
relationresultCome, take your clothes off to bed . , relationresultChen Pinggaiin the quilt, chuckles ,alcohol smell .relationresultQinYan Yue Shen ,fish face with a look of .relationresultThis deathis fucking asshole ,fuck .
Also to white one ?!relationresultDry?relationresultOr not to do?relationresultThis is a problem,the two girls a difficult, being at a loss what to do .relationresultChen Gongzi wassimply to hold one ,the two woman to bed ,spray with alcohol gas tore their clothes ,laughs ,from the man ,will guarantee you popular and hot .
relationresultYou are not to give money ,is also very popular drink hot ? , relationresultYueShen fish by Chen Pinglou in his arms ,one face grievance about ,talk about money although hurt feelings ,but fuck was imprisoned for three years not to buy a dress a cosmetic ,recently even slightly free pocket no penny really fucking shut down .
relationresultWhat JBstubborn ,proud ah reserved ah ,derelict for three years ,two women have heart was convinced, just fooling .relationresultOn the otherside ,the chest has been a cattle occupied Qin Yanran look Chaohong ,more direct ,waved to give money, I let you go whoring one life, free .
relationresultChen Gongzikeep silent ,Qin Yan directly open collar ,buried his head into the warm water of Shuangfeng ,vague way idiot girls ,you are free, will penny .relationresult(ask subscribe to ask the ticket .
.. You awesome - .- more than 3000 words ,you know... Well ,first pass ,modify the typos ... ..) , relationresultThe 636th chapter :husband , relationresultThe 636th chapterrelationresultChen Pingsober is just in the middle of the night, the night you and Yue Shen Qin ,Yan fish lying about on his two most tranquil ,of course ,clothes are a must to strip naked ,as to who is off ,do not do anything, Chen did not know ,he only fuzzy remember Qin Yan said make yourself free fuck her life this is similar to the heroic utterance character lines ,and then completely is blurry, become an immortal ,he looked at the wall hanging on the table ,by two wide ,lying in bed thinking ,no results ,dry brittle quietly up to sneak home ,the stage ,the world is boundless all fucking home a few tiger ,Tang Aozhi ,Wang Xian Yi ,Naran allure ,now has formed a united front ,even on weekdays, gentle cute household good miss sister ,now dare red face s own ears ,against the day ,to the almost comical ,Chen fight ,it was likely covered quilt queen of tragedy ,a beaten ,or to use all one will be pure Chen temptation to go to bed, three with the siege ,a Chen Ping toss into a froth at the mouth of the shrew ,posture ,to the point that, in desperation ,Chen only humiliation from three Queen gang depressed adults, is the result of the Zijin Mountain Golf Villa day have with them ,to a certain degree ,Chen Ping instead of a habit . Related articles:

