
beats by dre solo before Qianshiq

Side float .relationresultTwo people play the power battle nearly an hour ,playing a murky sky over a dark earth is end neither in victory nor defeat ,who also how not to each other .The essence of cemented gentleman sword and Shiryu in millions of pounds of giant impact, finally collapsing ,one thirty will not coagulate .
Dark night mist in the four volt ,star on the clouds reflected on the Qianshiqi cheek side ,those ancient purple Rune arranged one after another ,but the next moment a Pentium waves, from all sides to Zhou Jijun .
relationresultThe South China Sea such as funnel ,a monstrous wave form hundreds ferocious roaring skeleton compression to hole center Zhou Jijun ,blink of an eye he will devour .White light from the Zhou Jijun hand move out ,in the circle of light wave is as somersault and scattered, unable to invade the half .
The aperture is on the larger, to Zhou Jijun side water together into a handle at Qianshiqi water-sword disease ,handprint in white light passes, the purple Rune was slightly stagnation ,taking advantage of this moment, a water-sword across the runes and tide ,suddenly had to Qianshiqi before .
Qianshiqi hand grasping the handle to a water-sword ,water-sword suddenly bursts spread ,became countless stylet circles around the line will Qianshiqi bay .relationresultStanding wave on a Zhou Jijun squinted to see broken white at his purple rune ,mouth breathing ,three floating in the sea breeze in the snake .
Days ,three snake has respective gentleman tract intended to integrate the most, more than ever before in strength ,faced with monstrous billow and come purple Rune Ying body ,three of all the moments ,purple Rune block .
Zhou Jijun jumps high ,fly out with the sweeping tides ,wind in midair ,distant look to the trapped in a water-sword array in Qianshiqi ,eyes star light circulation .relationresultThe gentleman astrology is based on the variable and the gentleman said astrology meaning derived from the wonderful work ,everything in the world can be a way to use, remain free ,change constantly .
Read the sea and Qisha rising Ziwei stars fly ,traction followed idea becomes the star thousands of constantly evolved into strange stars ,while those of short water-sword also change shape ,will Qianshiqi tightly trapped therein .
relationresultThe eyes of Zhou Jijun appearance ,his body like lightning ,a snap of the fingers suddenly jumps over several hundred feet away ,a hand-held handle two spirit sword instead of cut to Qianshiqi ,to take this opportunity to destroy him to kill the .
Due to the array of detained water-sword Qianshiqi looked up at Zhou Jijun ,mouth gradually curved open a chill ,was a sneer .The two handle the sword to chop chop essence to the top of the head ,his pale face fills up red ,such as sunny as very bright ,a hundred cubits high nine claw - from Qianshiqi roar out behind ,the moment will water-sword array broken ,then will be caught off guard by Zhou Jijun catch claw .
relationresult law ? , relationresultZhou Jijun float was frowning fierce ,have a sound ,arms suddenly force abruptly will claw opening ,catching the void he fled .Behind the wind blast, was Qianshiqi foot - a moment method to fly to him .
Nine with the storm thunder claw shape shadow will debut tract gripped therein ,in front of a small - such as mosquitoes, Zhou Jijun law had changed but can not disengage, and three snake is strange runes entanglement on the other side ,unable to catch up with her .
relationresultFor a time, one spark .relationresult You got the ,. , relationresult Deliberately into the array, I think I would draw ,then breaks to honour and phase I fall .You are so want to kill me .
, relationresultAre flying the flash in the talon ,aside all is Shiryu rolled up with thunder electric wave ,Zhou Jijun mouth bending a ghostly arc ,he looked to be the dragon ,was indifferent indifferent Qianshiqi ,suddenly reverse body ,white haired in Xenopus film flying ,floating away trace .
relationresult Finally you real power out ,today I will win you a dignified and imposing . , relationresultThe sky central bloom million starlight will dull ,dead of night light ,but in a moment later reigned ,as if he had not been seen in general .
Qianshiqi was a stiff ,but dragons claw shadow suddenly gone Zhou Jijun figure,beats by dre solo, only moments after he started up ,the white men do not know when set foot on this station in front of him .
relationresultZhou Jijun chuckled at Qianshiqi ,read the sea ,and a star rises ,emit dazzling rays of light ,is the transit on the sun star .The sun is one of two main transit ,feminine melancholy ,palm dark .
The sun stars of Zhou Jijun a year ago already mastered, but has not forbear from ,will it into Nianhai .The star is fourteen star most dim a ,day wild lives in a body, it is driven by star array for hidden in the dark ,give each other a fatal blow ,impossible to guard against .
relationresultShiryu law photograph on the back of a piece of darkness, Zhou Jijun was as ghosts burst flash which ,Ziwei ,Qisha and overcast .Calculate infinite variants will Qianshiqi into astrology change ,just moments he has been Zhou Jijun played back again and again, the body under the law angrily waving claws off, but they have not touched Zhou Jijun half a piece of clothes .
White flash ,great gentleman sword split shady, struck Qianshiqi body, a face of beautiful young inverted out ,face across the complex expression .relationresultShiryu method is dissipated in the wind ,tide flat break ,Zhou Jijun in an empty looked down to a face pale Qianshiqi doubts ,eyes flashed ,said ,ve lost ,three years .
, relationresultClear blue sea at night ,quiet, Qianshiqi watched Zhou Jijun backs away ,eyes did not know what I was thinking .Behind the sea swings a circle ripple ,yellow giant tortoises gradually surfaced .
Thousands of smoke from the mouth spit out from water ,down the turtle shell in Qianshiqi back bend and bow .relationresult ,why don play the magic ? Thousands of smoke some asked eagerly .
relationresultFor a long time, Qianshiqi turn around ,he coldly looked at thousands of smoke flow ,did not say a word ,then rolled up under the tide suddenly gone far .relationresult You ,guard ,the caves .
Three years later ,siddhi ,dacheng . , relationresult... ... ... ... , relationresult than I thought it would be easier for many ,it Qianshiqi did not do ? , relationresultZhou Jijun then went on shore ,he looked back at the two has become a little black cliffs ,confused .
relationresult He is willing to hidden for three years ?Or ,otherwise . , relationresultJust then ,Zhou Jijun eyes flashed out ,but a sudden change in the situation of change on board ,the inflammatory state bureau Zhou Jijun cloth pieces trapped in death ,trend will be dumped .
The noise from the city skyline from Zhou Jijun ,looking ,saw the central fire ,from the dark smoke too revealing several powerful breath .relationresult Well, someone wants to harm the heart ! , relationresultZhou Jijun was an instant cold down back ,a cold, arthritis ,dragon whale ,but he rack one cloth under the key pieces ,pull one hair and use the whole body ,is not wreck in the .
Without a second thought, Zhou Jijun figures such as electric fly into the city .relationresultThe skyline town wearing black clothes hanging up ,sword brothers are massacred the civilian population ,few teams tall dragon Jingbing riding a sea lion beast rushed to the monks ,was for the sword cut into several segments ,not a long time ,hundreds of veteran dragon Jingbing has killed a not only .
In the city sword circled a triumphant ,Ming Ming, however a moment under the handle was shining the sword is a white hand, finger flick ,Feijian inch fragmentation .relationresultThe monks looked up at Zhou Jijun ,passed over his face was the color ,before they open ,Zhou Jijun first asked .
relationresult You but the fam people ? , relationresultThe friars, slightly surprised ,which led people to look at the thin body with the swing ,see shades of Zhou Jijun ,pondered for some time , you are the people ?Why not ,didn review is the sea palace children ? , relationresult sea palace .
.. Zhou Jijun brows rugulose ,before addition on Fox Zhenjun mentioned ,he seems to still which indistinct heard overlying sea word, time is not up to .relationresultAmongst the
monks met Zhou Jijun was hesitant ,thinking he heart timid ,before the caution all gone ,he gave a contemptuous look to Zhou Jijun ,a cold opening , Daoxiong just indiscriminately destroy Related articles:

