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, King grants to be killed at present, the Fan is dense, Li Meng, Zhang Ji etc. means person to enjoy success, various owned by public what opinion?"
Allow You to smell speech, immediately the station comes out to say:"Lord Mr., Chang-an more disorderly to lord Mr. more beneficial.The western cool soldier is superficially united consistent, after canning take down Chang-an, certanly will will take place fighting of right, when the time comes western cool soldier occurrence internal rebellion, perhaps emperor at fight in disorder in will be also killed.The emperor is one dead, the group without a leader was the best chance that lord Mr. displays artistic talent."
After allowing You to finish saying, peep out cock-a-hoop facial expression on the face.
The Yuan Shao smells speech and also peep out happy expression on the face.As Xu You talk, what Yuan Shao wants is an emperor be killed.Emperor die, he just can perfectly deservedly ascend a throne.
Last year, the Yuan Shao sent a person to Liu Yu there and suggested signed Liu Yu as emperor.
Thus, the Yuan Shao then can govern to shoot domestic affairs, awe world.However, Liu Yu is unqualified to match, lets the plan of Yuan Shao end up in nothing.Is Chang-an in confusion at present, as long as is Liu to help a quilt mutinous soldiers kill, the man works properly emperor Liu Hong's progeny all dead drop, the world has no orthodox emperor.Till then, the world group of heroes starts to combine and woulds be the opportunity of the Yuan Shao.
At this time, the farmland is plentiful but the station come out, arch hand way:"Lord Mr., plentiful think to sit on the sideline disregard be not best plan."
After Yuan Shao listenned to,Facebook, body tiny anteversion, ask a way:"Dollar Hao(farmland plentiful word), do you have esteemed view?"
Farmland Feng-yuan to is striving for of Han Fu's troops minister, honorable not, be free from Han Fu heavy use, return agreeable Yuan of Shao after, drive the ordination of Yuan Shao for hope that a member that the state doesn't drive, becomes the troops of Yuan Shao strives for minister.Although farmland the plentiful personality is fair and just,its ability is very outstanding, regard highly a farmland very much by Yuan Shao plentiful, and the Wei is with the heavy responsibility.
The farmland plentiful clear voice says:"The lord is male, wait emperor to be subjected to Lu with it, why not send army to face to return to small emperor, control small emperor at main Mr. hand in, and choose site for capital Ye city, like this isn't better."
Ju after teaching to listen to, also the station comes out to embrace a boxing to say:"Lord Mr., four a life times in the Yuan house three Mr., pupil past the Li spread all over world, lord Mr. is from a Yuan house, identity noble, and main Mr. the kindheartedness is wise, the fame is spread to world, even has right facing Emperor once."
Ground to a stop a short moment, the Ju taught to continue to say:"The man room doesn't flap, the imperial government falls into among the crisis, imperial house's ancestral temple is also burned down.The various Hou of world state county is also all sun to receive Yin to disobey, the disobedience imperial government adjusts to make and has no a various Hou to take world nation as to weigh.Lord Mr. occupies to hope state at present, soldier strong Ma Zhuang, the private person follows, if the west face emperor, Be chosen site for capital to Ye city, then can carry Emperor but make various Hou, send punitive expedition world the Tu of minister not, the battalion attacks, who can resist main Mr. battalion."
The Ju teaches to talk, more plentiful than farmland more tactful, have no so direct.
He first is clap Ma Pi of the Yuan Shao, try to please Yuan Shao, then just speak own viewpoint, let the Yuan Shao listen to an empress very comfortable.The Yuan Shao finishes listenning to and then had the viewpoint to send army to face Liu to once help in the heart.He swept Ju to teach and farmland plentiful one eye, the Ju teaches of suggestion and farmland plentiful homology, however the Ju teaches to say more in detail, also even better than allowing accounting of You to strive for.
Is passive to wait for, naturally rather on one's own initiative attack like.
See the idea of Yuan Shao moving and meeting Ji immediately station to come out and embrace a boxing to say:"Lord Mr., Ju adult the advantage that say to receive to face Emperor, but don't explain bad place, if lord Mr. receive to face Emperor, then in everywhere Che elbow.Not only such, big ministers in dynasty all follow come, their affirmation and lord Mr. struggle for power and money and hope when the time comes that the state sinks into a turbulence, isn't more troublesome."
Meet Ji to finish saying, Guo Tu immediately after says again:"The lord is once male, can not face Emperor, if face Emperor once, lord Mr. then can not independence.Because four a life times in the Yuan house three male, is a big fellow dynasty of loyal minister, lord Mr. want to abandon ancestor and is the person of that Cuan man independence?Even if the lord is male is found a nation of Zu, also will be excoriated by the future generations, main when the time comes Mr. the fame to the utmost ruin, the stratagem like this isn't commendable.The lord is Chang-an male and then lets the small emperor stays is allowing a western cool soldier turmoil and make uninvolved, is a justice."
This sentence, makes reference to a key all of a sudden to order up.
All of Yuan family background generations are loyal ministers, arrive Yuan Shao here, the Yuan Shao more just lends the fame of Yuan house to enlist a private person, if he stubbornly Cuan man independence, certanly will be cast off by private person.Is for this reason, Yuan Shao still timid abrogation emperor, Cuan man independence.Thus, he can wait emperor to be killed and just have opportunity independence.
The Yuan Shao didn't talk and became one regiment indiscriminately under but already.
The farmland is plentiful, Ju's teaching is a person of camp, for receiving to don't already face an Emperor issue;Allow You from become a to fasten, although is completely independent, this time also with Guo Tu, meet Ji to cooperate contradictorily farmland is plentiful;Only reviewing to go together with to make is uninvolved, don't talk.Both parties come me to go toward, very noisy.In the hall, seem market similar, constantly quarrel.
The Yuan Shao looking at to in confusionly strives for a private, the head is greatly like hemp, feel very difficult to do.
On the history, the Cao holds to evaluate the indecision of Yuan Shao to would be thus.
When the Yuan Shao strives for a private too many of time, he then hard choice, because Mr. say an owned by public reason, old woman says that the old woman has been already managed, everybody's words reasonable, doesn't the Yuan Shao know how to do?Probably, Yuan Shao if only 12 strive for a private, the circumstance is O.K. some, the troops of Yuan Shao strives for a private numerous, on the contrary became a nuisance.
The Yuan Shao puts a hand and says:"Like, like, the affair put off, need not discussion, need not again discuss."
He flicks and directly drank to back public.
Yan state, the state herds a mansion.
In the hall, the seat of host sits in seat of honor Cao to hold, under is the Cao holds of a many strive for a private.
The left side is first to sit Xun of 彧 , the right side is first to sit drama ambition just, there is under also Cao held in the Yan state to just get of strove for a private hair 玠 , full spoil, Liu Ye, the Zao arrived etc. person.
The Cao holds air dignified, say:"The western cool soldier is a disaster dynasty now key link, the Emperor dies in a disaster, the loyal minister is killed, I prepare to rise in revolt to save to drive and defeat a western cool soldier, under the everybody idea how?"The Cao holds in the beginning is east county district magistrate, in the drama ambition just and under the assisting of Xun 彧 , using the Hou Yuan, and summer Hou 惇 ...etc. of the summer would get and took down Yan state smoothly and became Yan state herding, herding guard a square.
At Yan state of time, the Cao holds not only enlisted hair 玠 , full spoil etc. strive for a private, also enlist in forbid, Li Dian, joy enter will get, the troops can be said to be wealth of talent, solemnly is a square Ba lord.
The Cao holds one openings and then spoke endocentric viewpoint.
The Xun 彧 is loyal to man room, he immediately attach after listenning to with way:"Lord Mr. say have a reason, the Emperor dies in a disaster, should exactly send army rescue, the 彧 agrees a lord Mr. of decision, send army Chang-an."
The drama ambition just shakes and says:"Lord Mr. can not, the battalion just went into lord Yan state, the groundwork is unsteady.The Yan state east has green state Huang Jin Bing to wreak havoc, there is the battalion of Yuan Shao in northern side cast covetous eyes on;The west faces west a cool soldier to station Luo sun, the south noodles has Yuan Shu to wait for an opportunity but moves.Lord Mr. although occupy Yan state, there is groundwork, everywhere dangerous, the crisis is four Fus, can not easily send army!"
After Xun 彧 listenned to, air a dark, tiny sigh tone.
If he a go to opera ambition just, then knowing could not send army Chang-an.
The hair 玠 smells speech and say:"The lord is male, the words of Xun adult and drama adult all reasonable, can adopt.But need to change strategy.As drama adult talk, lord Mr. occupies Yan state, the groundwork is unsteady, therefore need to quell Yan state internal troubles, remove the green state soldier's threat.Wait main male groundwork stable after, then can send army to face emperor into the Yan state, receive Emperor with send punitive expedition world various Hou the minister not.Thus, man room cheerful Yi!"
The Cao after holding listen to happily fondles Zhang to say with smile:"Filial piety first(hair 玠 word) of the speech contain reason, well said!We temporary don't send army and quell internal troubles first and restructure non-commissioned officer and wait real strenght arrogant after, send army to face Emperor once."
"Lord male astute!"
In the hall, it is public to loudly drink a way.
The Cao held Le the Le Han descend short beard, peep out one idea of putting on to smile on the slightly dark cheek, in his heart dark way:For first is first, seeing to me has to walk first one step.
The Cao worries medium think, the public nature in hall doesn't know.
Hold with Cao, Yuan Shao, male Sun Zan et al is different, Liu Bei is to hope an ocean interest to sigh, has no dint to send army.As for Sun Jian, he just engaged training water soldier, prepare to quell campaign against the ground of river's east, is not likely to send army to save to drive.But Liu Yu, Liu how, Liu Dai, Liu Yao etc. man room clan relatives, have never sent army of viewpoint.
What they think all keeps oneself and has never taken to manage the viewpoint that Liu helps.

