
www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com the desert world

Really outright anger ,in Kong Yu third times after the attack ,all burst out, even with behind Kong Yu worked around the clock to kill Kong Yu ten years ,www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com.relationresultAnd Kong Yu in thelast ten years is run day and night ,without a moment pause ,after ten years on the run is actually came to the shore ,then that is on shore, leaving behind a sound roar .
relationresult , relationresultChapter 302nd the sun god star , relationresultKong Yubefore and after the attack on the dragons whale three ,struck three strength weaker dragon whales ,however it is being hunted for more than 10 years, this must let a person admire dragon Whale will ,of course ,Kong Yu determination is to let people sigh ,if people hunted for more than ten years ,I should give up earlier .
relationresultBehind asound roar ,and a jet over the water column is toward Kong Yu struck ,and Kong Yu in the East China Sea for more than 10 years ,finally reached the shore ,so do not care about the attack ,in the deep breathing air a few times before is figure flash is flying the distance ,more than the attack .
relationresultTheDragon whale although strength is very strong ,the most powerful dragon whales are worse than the three princess ,but their size is too large ,they do not change in shape is impossible until Royal Air flight ,so naturally be ashore ,only far looked at hole jade ,the howling ,but now the roar had Kong Yu is not of much use .
relationresultKong Yu looked atthose in seawater ceaseless roar dragon whale toward them ,waved ,that is toward the front .While watching Kong Yu leave ,the Dragon whale is sent out a sound more sharp ,but could not prevent Kong Yu to leave, but this time you have to admire the Dragon Whale will, they see Kong Yu leave the background ,was slowly sank ,the meaning is to wait here hole jade .
relationresultKong Yuslowly forward flight ,although do not know now where ,but now is not the time to relax, need to find a place to hide can ,although it seems that dragon whale can not leave the water ,but Kong Yuke can the Dragon whales have no other way to revenge himself .
relationresultTo flythousands of miles ,Kong Yu finds a hidden valley, then is hidden there, began to practice together .Third Kong Yu is a hard-hearted attack on a gold dragon whale immortal middle realm ,one is attack failed ,although the last was successful, but is scared Kong Yu heart tremble for a long time .
relationresultTheJiuzilong give away ,the more than 10 years of escape are because of the Jiuzilong ring for help ,but Kong Yu doesn over reliance on these weapons ,or let their strength increased more honest .
The static under heart to come ,hole jade slow absorption of storage in cave opening space of those dragon whale energy ,increase their skill .relationresultThisskill in mid Jin Xian dragon whale contains huge energy ,just after the yin-yang magic refinery ,but only to Kong Yu to increase the black immortal later realm ,this is also true with higher level ,but can in time of ten years that high a level, it in heaven is a very impressive training speed ,to know that in heaven ,if each retreat not decades ,hundreds ,even thousands of years ,the time for celestial self-cultivation that do things ,but this time retreat is not be able to make their own increasing the number of strength .
relationresultKong Yu for theirability to grow to such a state is very satisfactory ,although his goal is very far, but he also knew that the road is step by step out, they even worry how are of no use ,so to clean up the mood ,Kong Yu was flying out of the small valley .
relationresultFlyinto the air ,Kong Yu this time is serious to look up the situation around, want to know where is where ,and what Kong Yu sees is one eye also endless sand ,the continent looks like the desert world, there is nothing else except the yellow sand things .
relationresultKong Yu began tocome in ,just think of as soon as possible to find a place to practice, is paid no attention to the situation around, now see the surroundings ,Kong Yu was also a surprise .
He don to what place ,just dare not believe in heaven is actually have such a desolate place .relationresultAtaround ,because in the East China Sea Dragon King palace of Ao Guang live some day ,so Kong Yu is from the East China Sea Dragon King to understand some of the things of heaven ,know this heaven has four big delta ,just do not know to which continents ,in his memory, seems to heaven four big delta no which one is so desolate .
relationresultCanwhere it is, Kong Yu is no longer to think ,look around the desolate desert ,Kong Yu wants to find a vitality world strong local practice, although he now has the black immortal late realm, but the strength of heaven one that is a lot of efforts ,this is no advantage at all ,and that heaven is full of danger ,no power ,Kong Yu is naturally not go back .
relationresultTowardthis continental front fly, hole jade patient in search of a world power strong, however at this time ,Kong Yu suddenly felt the air around more and more heat up ,temperature was in rapid increase ,Kong Yu is now such a state is had not invaded ,but here it is feel hot, visible here how high temperature .
relationresultIt is however in thishole jade surprise ambient temperature so high when, suddenly far rising in the sky a diameter reached tens of millions of kilometers giant fireball !The golden flames are pounding ,comes out of the hot rolling across the continent ,even on the sand are melted .
relationresultLook at thediameter of tens of millions of kilometers giant fireball ,Kong Yu suddenly wake up himself in what place ,he had not come to the heaven delta to an arbitrary ,but came to heaven at the end of the East China sea .
But his enormous fireball is the celestial sun star ,is now the sun rises .relationresultThe sunand the earth is not a true sun star ,it was burning from debris ,and Kong Yu in front of the sun star is the real sun star ,legend is Pangu God left by ,and gave birth to the ancient evil spirit race two holy emperor and too .
relationresultKong Yudidn I was lucky enough to see the sun rising of a star spectacular images ,but his heart is not a little excited interest, as the sun rising ,this piece of the continent as a stove, the temperature in the sharp rise ,but such a high temperature that Kong Yu actually there is overwhelming danger feeling .
relationresultseek flowers and VIP tickets ,thank you support . , relationresult , relationresultThe 303rd chapter of Celestial Star , relationresultKong Yudid not think of he is actually came to the end of the East China Sea ,sun star, rising sun, was never expected this moment is actually the sun star rises, this makes Kong Yu laments his own luck is good is not good ,while facing the rising sun star ,jade running all holes magic resistance ,but still have to resist the risk perception in Kong Yu was rising .
relationresultAs thesun slowly rose ,Kong Yu at the foot of the continent seems to be melted in general ,become extremely hot ,even with a hole now skill and tough flesh jade are some not suitable . Related articles:

