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Volume 6 purple cloud three emperors
Chapter 177 kills two birds with one stones
The leaf sky finally still kept choosing to leave an evil area, after all owner include blood Ji at inside, all mean the meaning for leaving, leaf sky even if is regardless of and oneself, also want to have regard for the other people's life, particularly is the life of blood Ji.
Absolute being only one Shan, immediately public emergence at a clough in, getting into the evil area is eight agree on of is a month, now leaf sky a manies led to then walk out for 16 days.
So 8 believes in lords to all have no outside the door of evil area, this is exactly also what leaf sky hopes to see, after all now get into the owner of evil area have already been accepted by him, if let believing in of 8 lord know, don't living him to shell just strange.
"We were finally on the hoof to come out".
On coming out from the evil area, Tu Dian then towards for nine days on of ten thousand inside the cloudy regions loudly appeal to the public a way, and this Tu the breeze have no again kick him, be also full of joy on its face.
After all after the first strong get into an evil area, never which individual can be on the hoof to come out from the evil area, and the blood secluded valley was a devil king, unintentionally intruded in to livinged a door, but came out in those early years of have been already gone crazy as well.
This from a different angle also explained a lot of problems, so in public while all thinking that they can not come out from the evil area, person sudden a way out puts in the in front, how probably not excited.
But at by this time, the public in front suddenly appeared an old that is dressed in bloody color full-length gown, is exactly a blood secluded valley elder, the Lao Tze blood of blood sword has no sky, one fixs for the strong that attains one star Wu Di.
The old seen suddenly appear, in heart in the leaf sky have no the slightest of surprise, the facial expression coolly looking at the old of in front, but the facial expression of the blood knife but is some not natural.
No matter how it is say, the blood knife was all pupil of blood secluded valley before, but always blood secluded valley in addition to believing in a lord, most in order to badly would be at present old, but this a moment he heel nearby black dress youth.
But the facial expression of the blood Ji but is abnormality equanimity, basically even see don't see the old of in front one eye, seem root be blood have no sky nonexistent general.
"Unexpectedly you incredibly can be on the hoof to come out, if isn't that I arrive at an evil area in advance outside, perhaps make you escape".
The blood has no the words in sky the extremely conceited absolutely arrived extremity, but owner include leaf for sky at inside, but have no a person to think that blood's hasing no extremely conceited in the sky, after all evil emperor and devil king is the margins of a sky and ground.
"Do not know blood elder what meaning?"
Still kept being full of cool feeling on the face, voice in the leaf sky was some icy cold of say, but at by this time, owner include blood have no sky at inside, didn't discover leaf for sky then make a color to Tu Lei and the plum Yin.
Is public in, talk about the brains absolutely is to butcher the thunder first, but want to say the cognition to the strategies, in addition to leaf sky, Be about to count plum Yin, 2 people see the youth's look in the eyes and immediately have already understood meanings in it.
If is under the normal circumstance, even if they own 16 devil kings, also equally isn't the opponent that the blood has no sky, after all fix for the territory of attaining the evil emperor, the dint of the psyche in the body then will blend, one star evil emperor then will the Ning does a soul bead.
But the leaf sky has no what worry, he after death pluses the words of blood Ji and totally has 17 devil kings now, when the time comes want ~only not next gossip nine, even if is a blood to have no a sky also is not likely to break.
At by this time, inborn in the leaf heavenly body Wu Qi crazily revolves and immediately and loudly says:"All devil kings cloth, the rest person goes into with me".
Later on an inborn with cold Yin Wu Qi moment but, arouse to shoot but go to toward the old of in front, but blood have no sky again how can put a very small martial guest in the eye.
Once the big hand flick, together five lines of spirit cover moment but, inborn Wu Qi runs into spirit to cover on, immediately disappear of without a trace, even a silk ripple didn't leave.
But when the blood has no sky then see toward at present direction of time, immediately discover that the owners all have already disappeared to be missing, but at by this time, his in front appears 17 pillar of being white onlies.
But the leaf sky be outside by this time and suddenly appearing in , the voice is some to coolly say:"I have never experienced an evil emperor of the real strenght exactly come to a how of state, so I want to try".
Finish listenning to the in front black dress youth's words, the blood has no sky to immediately look up at sky the cachinnation get up and seemed to heard the affair of the most funny world, very small force lives abroad however wants to try the real strenght of an evil emperor, oneself is a joke.
"You want to try can, but you want answer me first a question, why didn't my son come out?"
Although blood have no face in the sky up have no the slightest different, heart in but is as if hot the ant on the pot, after all get into this time the evil area would is an extreme danger affair and if not that believing in the lord insist on to let the blood sword go and say what he also isn't likely to promise.
In fact blood's hasing no has already worked well the worst plan in heart in sky, but when he once saw eight of the owner come out behind, the blood has no heart in the sky in immediately the surprise is thousand times.
But when he sees public in only was in need of his own son, don't know why, the blood has no heart in sky in immediately Luo Mao for a while, a not and well prepare feeling to immediately surge forward at heart.
Immediately sneering at in the heart is a , still keep coolly saying on face in the leaf sky:"I not know, after getting into an evil area, the blood sword then and a person alone gets into, basic at enmity with we come out this time together is also accident, I also not know why".
The leaf sky certainly can't told to is he or she to cut to kill blood sword, although the gossip is nine 17 devil kings garrison, the leaf sky equally believes that the blood has no sky to chase they how, same oneself cans not chase the old, either how.
In heart in the leaf sky very clear, the after all at present old is a strong martial emperor, if oneself's one party has a few evil religions words for garrisoning, perhaps can also cut the old to kill.
Listenned to the in front black dress youth's words, the blood had no sky again how may believe, oneself after all son is what real strenght in his heart most clear however, even come out a martial guests, a devil king again how the possible doesn't come.
"Is the sword son harmed by you?"
"Is not, however I have way to let you get into an evil area, as for can find out blood sword, that will see your build to turn and also see his build to turn".
Still kept determinedly shaking to shake head, inwardly thought a way in heart in the leaf sky and said what can not admit, either, if let the blood have no the son who knew to make oneself cut to kill him in sky, oneself perhaps will always have no quiet and peaceful day in the days to come.
But the blood has no heart in sky in but is a pleased, the Ji can not treat later on of ask a way:"Is what you said true?You have way to let I get into an evil area inside?"
The evil way owners all know, wanting to get into the evil area has to fix for under the devil king, this also limited the greed that the many and the strong gets into an evil area, but at this time blood's having no sky to hear oneself incredibly can get into an evil area, not only can save a son, and then have already hoped to get ghostly evil jade when the time comes, absolutely is the affair of kill two birds with one stone.
Chapter 178 compares force to marry into and live with the bride's family
Lightly ordered to nod, the leaf sky said later on:"I am to make you get into an evil area, but one Zhu joss-stick of time, if time that led one Zhu joss-stick, even if is an evil saint in a life time, also make you get into an evil area",www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.
On the face any further cover up a color of living the surprise not, the blood has no sky later on some Jis can not treat of looking at the black dress youth of in front, in this a moment, his brain in root even a silk cut the wills of killing the youth all have no.
Later on have no the slightest of hesitation, the position that quickly walked to arrive to just come out an evil area to living a door in the leaf sky, inborn in the body Wu Qi quickly revolves and soon arouse to shoot Tashan in the in front on.
Is very quick, sudden in Tashan appeared a together white huge door, later on leaf sky see to after death of the blood have no sky to say:"You can go in now, however I want to tell you, a hundred years calamity in the evil area hasn't finished, so you have to beware of".
The words sound just fell, five went an aery step to immediately launch Related articles:

