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Now it body ,as is any strong liquid corrosion through the .relationresultSomescarlet yellow pus still hangs in its body surface ,and the scarlet and yellow pus ,moving it from swollen body constantly seeped out ,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com,apparently ,dragon demon star dragon body ,it is this pus to support so bloated .
relationresultBecause of corrosionreason ,so it is broken up .relationresultPacificDragon Emperor ,as well as Longfei ,the dragon has deep feelings, see a noble dragons ,actually in order to enhance the strength ,will honour his very body ,all become like this ,the heart immediately Barilla intersection .
relationresultWhile others,is to see a dragon in order to enhance the strength ,becoming this ,that in their mind beautiful young man like dragon demon star .They find it hard to believe that the two is actually the same person .
relationresultAbe filled with a thousand regrets in my heart start up .relationresultWhile thegreedy wolf then whispered to all warned , you be careful ,Hoshi Miya is taking ,is a method that can quickly in the short term to enhance the strength of the drug name Dan ,I don ,but I only know that this kind of pills in take after in vivo moment ,produce tremendous energy ,and this energy is easy to be absorbed ,in the short term ,you can absorb ,is watching your strength ,the strength of no use if forced ,the final result ,will burst body die .
, relationresultPaused,greedy wolf deep sighs , we joined the side of the camp ,will be such a pill ,but in my heart, there is no doubt ,take ,it ,just as I expected ,the pill has a problem .
, relationresultHe seemsand evil stars feeling very strong ,face a face grief at Dragon demon star ,said , it seems now Star Palace is not the man I know Star Palace ,or so ,we start, we have a taboo .
, relationresultEven so,but a glance see Longfei ,greedy wolf and dragon demon star feelings ,really very strong ,he said with dragon demon star fights can act recklessly and care for nobody ,but his face was the face of suffering .
relationresultBut,why would he help me ?relationresultThe problem in thedragon heart arise, greedy wolf performance ,there are many doubts, not only such ,all human performance, can use common sense to consider ,originally just confront each other with daggers four once the bit face strong, even between instant they formed a unified front ,except the security channel and Taibai worry about the Castle maze space is torn apart, greedy wolf is simply ,directly without any reason ,will and the Archean Dragon Emperor stand together .
relationresultWhile looking at theTaibai and channel ,Longfei heart slightly move, worried about what space is torn and to help themselves ,dragon evil stars clearly to find their troubles ,they stand in front of them ,is clearly worried about their encounter any accident .
relationresultRatherripped space ?relationresultLongfeiremembered in the clouds ,he is not tearing up the space ,the eight trigrams furnace is even more exaggerated to a space among the stars of the clean out completely engulfed .
relationresultEvenso ,the Pegasus Dojo ,is still a good here, and the law of the space ,is God ,so Pegasus Dojo ,plus a space law of God, this space ,it is easy to be torn .relationresultThere seems to benothing to hide themselves, between the four of them, there is no secret .
relationresultDragoneyes ,in four individuals who do not live in circulation ,want to see anything, but finally in vain that human performance, it is with no chink in one ,let oneself not found .
relationresultWhileat this time ,the Dragon demon star huge and sick to his body ,put out a finger ,indicates the Longfei ,red longan watch ,is actually the greedy wolf ,he saw a face of anger ,that he put one finger ,also sends shivers .
relationresultYou ... ... Good ... ... Good ... ... Very nice. , relationresultGreedy wolfin ten evil stars at times ,this is the only dragon demon star the most considerate ,and greedy wolf although strength is a world of difference ,but the two men talked ,interests .
relationresultEven so,the Dragon demon star also may not know the true strength as well as the greedy greedy wolf wolf and too long grudges between emperor .relationresultHe used todiscourage the greedy Wolf for thousands of years, but not on the greedy wolf played a good role ,but let the greedy wolf heart obsession ,more deep layer .
relationresultThen,he made this decision .relationresultUnexpectedly,he to greedy wolf into the Yitu ,greedy wolf but in the distance into a flower ,the greatest irony ,as this .relationresultDragondemon star eyes ,at this time, except as the fiery anger ,they still remain a desolate .
relationresultGreedy wolftowards dragon demon star to a step forward ,seems to have no fear of the Dragon demon star he will suddenly shot .relationresultHe lookedindifferently , Star House, why do you come here ,don .
, relationresultWords,even on the Dragon demon star body status indifferent, this not only lets the Dragon evil stars feel more despair .relationresultHe could notcontrol myself mood ,ha ha laugh together ,watching the greedy wolf ,who pus flow more stronger .
relationresultHa ha ,you ask me why ?Yeah ,why I want to come ?Why. Greedy wolf ,you tell me ,why !!! , relationresultThe lastwhy ,dragon demon star bloated, issued a scathing jitter ,let people are worried about his body ,will not at this time suddenly exploded .
relationresultWhile toolong Wong et al did not expect ,even at this time ,dash forward showed this status ,they thought that the next, and the strength is unknown ,but the Dragon monster horror undoubtedly star to a battle ,the enemy was not at this time ,collapse of itself .
relationresultPacificDragon Emperor and Ann channel and others looked at each other ,schematic back, then the notification Longfei ,all imperceptibly ,then retreated from dragon demon star and the greedy wolf stood a few hundred meters of the black hole .
relationresultAccording tothe forecast is too long ,here ,is the Dragon demon star attack range of the fringe, here, even the Dragon monster stars suddenly feeling out of control and hit, all people can have enough time ,make sufficient reaction .
relationresultWaitto this place ,be the first to bear the brunt of the fly to Longfei too Cologne imperial side ,watching too Cologne imperial fire red eyes ,cold ,is it right? The old dragon ,you have something to hide ? , relationresultPacificDragon Emperor at longfield ,clearly, he still did not find the words to tell what kind of situation longfei .
relationresultEventuallyhe shook his head ,saying , now you strength ,is not qualified to know things ,as long as you can pass through the dojo into Pegasus martial god tower ,I tell you .
, relationresultLongfeiheard by sneered at Pacific ,imperial eyes ,said , qualifications ?Don say that ,until now ,I still have a pawn in the hands of ? , relationresultLongfeipaused, direct said , Pacific Dragon Emperor ,if it is really so, you and I can be in this part company each going his own way ,I Longfei need not slavishly dependent ,in order to increase their strength ,let it when your pieces ,you don to own the game ,spend so much energy in my body on .
, relationresultThen,they went away too long dragon emperor ,toward Fang Xiong and others flew past .relationresultXiaoYuze is confused ,do not know is what ,just have a look ,have a look ,Longfei Dragon Emperor ,finally sighed deeply, a face troubles follow Longfei toward Fang Xiong and others also flew past .
relationresultWhile Xiao Yufei tofly around, face inexplicable asked , boss, what are you what ,and how old that strictly business .? , relationresultXiaoLongfei at Royal ,face without Related articles:

