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Broke ina month .relationresultgirl on the god thing so concerned ,will ice clouds out saying ,everyone was silent .relationresultThe 525th chapter relationresultSix.Double pass you ,brothers and sisters soon cast ah ,after the village was maybe a claim in the , relationresultLooking atthe flowers withered stem ,Xiao Han suddenly heart faint forth a bear for Han Liner ,he was not worth it, he is such a man with Jun orange dance is more than sufficient ,can you orange dance can not worthy of him .
relationresultPrince oforange dance today is a heavy hurt his heart .relationresultE ,the Han Lin good poor . Three looked at flowers petal rain Han Liner .Sympathetic and said .relationresultThree ,let .
Xiao Han took three arms ,she was back to the family compound .relationresultXiaoHan today behind the director of this play ,although there are boat division hold prediction Jun orange last dance with Han Liner react ,but when the truth is found ,he still feels a little uncomfortable !relationresultAfter all,he is the one .
Innocent people .Han Liner is only a feeling somewhat weak man ,he is not wrong ,Mr. orange dance is not wrong, wrong is he led Korea forest for Jun orange dance in the hearts of the trace of undying affection .
Then the greatest efforts to let him burst out !relationresultWhile the kingorange dance is a very strong woman ,she will not be because of temporarily moved to change his decision ,so rejected is certainly rose , relationresultJustyour orange dance refused too direct ,too the unfeeling ,for Han Liner ,is undoubtedly a very serious blow !relationresultThestrike is likely to make him unable to get up after a fall ,and even make a dazzling genius character into a piece of shit !relationresultFeelingpersonally destroyed a person in particular to each other is a good man ,Xiao cold heart feel uncomfortable that nature is inevitable .
relationresultHan Lineris joining with battle rain careerist ,less guilty ,perhaps he will clap laughs !relationresultAfter this incident,Korea war ,the relationship between the two is produced a huge rift ,if you push it ,war ,Korea two if not immediately break ,it will never keep step with the .
relationresultEven teachhome and this relationship between the two would suffer a great influence ,even let Han ,teach the two together and against the war home !relationresultOne afternoon,Xiao Han so quietly stay in the study ,in addition to any person not to bother the command ,even the Sanniang also shut sb.
,need not enter !relationresultXiaoHan thinking about his next to go ,he is now dark ,promote the South Korean War and AO three worsening of relations ,it is a dangerous step ,the use of good .
There will be a beat all the effect, use is not good ,very likely the play into the hands of median !relationresultAndrain if is a duct ,then in accordance with the prince of orange dance with the news, in the war to assassinate his war rain sent out to people ,the assassin also exported souded his ,whether real or just know ,spying ,and rain might have some younger sister silk maji !relationresultButthe assassin later, did not have any news .
It is weird ,Murphy and rain did not know, or that the assassin is war despite rain sent .But with the war and not rain .relationresultYinlong,the assassin ,if Yinlong family loyalists ,so they do what ?Take back all of their own ?Or revenge? , relationresultPrince oforange dance knew his assassin assassinate battle rain men ,indicating that the woman is a very secretive intelligence network .
The information network lien rain in monitoring ,which is what? , relationresultBattle ofthe wily old fox while backstage ,but he is really a war family secretly these activities do not know ?Or that he haven ?relationresultTheproblem and so on .
Many ,are waiting for him to go to one one to find the answer .relationresultPrince oforange dance told myself a no background people relatively energetically ,she want to do when she joined the sea breeze is voluntary ,and now dream of leaving ,the woman naive to think that the sea breeze this tissue is she can come and go freely ?relationresultAnd thebattle rain ,if he is a large duct .
The position is still king orange dance above, may be they the eight groups of immediate supervisor .relationresultRainand wind tissue from war to get? , relationresultAndrain now is part of the gate ,deputy chief of further is the house of the Lord ,and home basically default is him ,certainly ,if war hall interior does not undergo major changes in words ,later he took over as chief who can successfully ,can say !Dragon Island waters within the human than he has greater power .
relationresultUnless he hasgreater ambitions ,like dragon as an equal ,not subject to the constraints and control .relationresultThisambition that dragons are unwilling to see their territory can be on an equal footing with their forces there is war ,allure never thought this day would appear, it is clearly a fight of two ,let the sea clan this pale Weng !relationresultBut ifthe battle is to do a rain ordinary people can ?relationresultAndrain is very ambitious ,this is usually first seen his people will have such a feeling, such a gloomy one ,come and go like a shadow of the day .
If there is no ambition to go out ,say people don .relationresultQi Ying fly ,you give me out ,you lied to me , relationresulttalking out loud ? , relationresultQi Ying fly ,you get out ,you said small heart has been by my ,you lied to me roar earthquakes are made up through the roof tile .
relationresultXiaoHan frown ,he heard them .This is the voice of Han Liner ,and how he will come .It looks like or come with evil intent ,www.headphones-fashion.com!relationresultThis time,he also does not sit in any case .
From the study came out .relationresultOnly to seethe inner court ,two in the hospital entrance guard with a sound Qijia wine Han Liner tangled together, very much hope that the strength of great drunk to frame out ,so the impact of the ancestors of the rest .
relationresultBut despitethe two retaining ... The force ,Han Liner as in Bu rooted ,step Du delete small out .Urgent two face flushed ,do not know what to do .relationresultHan Liner isGod level master ,two yard at best but holy order ,let alone two, is another twenty are not budge Han Lin this buddha !relationresultHan Linera drinking, wild hair .
Hand hold a full 100 Jun heavy wine jar ,upturned neck ,mouth to mouth irrigation of the spirits ,laugh constantly .relationresultButthe laughter not revealing a desolate and sad !relationresultXiaoHantan breath, shook his head ,although at this time to do their own is not authentic ,but Han Liner is still on your heart or orange dance is a fantasy, and poison would have so frustrated .
!relationresultTwoto protect the house saw Xiao cold out .The current hurried to abandon cold bowed ,with profound respect and humility !relationresultXiaoHan did not blame them, someone like Han Liner, don they stop ,is ten times more they will stop .
relationresultyour posts ,here I deal ! Xiao Han light waves .Two guards with amnesty ,to swiftly ran out .relationresultQi Ying fly ,you asshole ,I regard you as my friend ,you have to hurt me ? Han Liner a .
Jin Bu rushed forward ,carrying a jar ,a hand to Xiao Han collar ,the mouth the wine asked aloud . Brother Han ,you regard me as a friend .I didn put you as a friend ,but you said I hurt you ,but where to start ? Xiao Han neither fast nor slow the hand to block the asked Han Liner . Related articles:

