
google ce BE here right

I, so I see not pure he the facial expression at the moment.
Stare at him the back of that ancient bronze work color, I mildly ask a way:"So, do you want to let me to do for you what?"
"Treat you to answer my few questionses first, I then know what you can do for me."
I am one Zheng, he hasn't thoughted of to want me to do for him what!I relax emotion and peep out thin smile, "ask!"
"You are a Na orchid the Qi blesses of imperial concubine, why want to escape?"Remain apathy such as ice of words but let my hands clench fist, hardly vomit three words, " is because of hating!"The cold Lin arrives even I all amaze by myself.
He sneers at a , "man's three wives four Qies are all very common, still less Lord of the country."The speech smelt him I understand, he mistakes I because of he continuously after the love temple beauty but hate because of loving to living, but I don't explain, silent.
The back towards my Xi to suddenly turn round to stare at me, hands' handing over to fold is put to azure stone floor on, fog spirit covers with his whole body, "that where be the your original desire absconded to?"
Return to see his eyes, my cloud's thin breeze lightly says:"Yu country."
Once he listen to "Yu country" two words, unexpectedly there is variety on the apathetic face, "what do you do to the Yu country?"
I slowly shut an eyelid and vomit an one mouthful cool spirit, then open, long say:"It is very valuable."
His vision suddenly turns into seriously and relentless and also no longer talks, silent Be contemplating what.Very long, he just openings way:"You know very valuable?"
I order, more oddness he why suddenly change countenance, he with very valuable have what origin?Still have what old grudge?
He at random put into Shui-li, the light Long rises one Zhang clear water, then allows water is left out by his finger tip, resumed him originally apathetic facial expression, "I knew to want you to do for me what!"
The chapter 2 night explores long living a palace
Is this time to set out, the Xi has never taken his under charge with go, but is taking me a Gu body to set out, because this time activity person is more many, more dangerous.Purpose of this trip for go to a Qi temple of long living a palace, originally I don't wish to go that place again, this in case of if drive to recognized out, my plan threw to the winds.Can Xi say, resume my face, he has to see my original facial appearance.I want originally draw own appearance memorization, but lift a pen but don't know what set down on paper, my appearance, oneself has already forgotten.
From here, I thoughted of again long living the Yuan in the palace of the madam's portrait, but I don't want to take a risk to left for.But inside the whole Wu however country villa, only have me clear to the route in the temple.
Much foreign of hesitant behind, I finally decide let him together steal the Yuan madam's portrait to the gold Ling.His list hand at I once the left cheek flick, the birthmark of a piece of boxing form size then sows in my left cheek on.I for many times with water wash can not wash, it is thus clear that he masters in towards easily permitting Shu, it, probably, he really has ability to resume my facial appearance.
The day star is concealed to show off, sundown as in, the tiger whistles ape Ti.I am each to multiply by a white horse to gallop about between the world with Xi, the eagle Zhi turns over, surprised Luan shadow.
On connecting walking faster of the sixth, I am already all over the face frost dust, exhausted, but he just as usually energetic, just the rest don't arrive a hour to press me to walk faster.I even if being tired must want to fall flop to be not willing to open mouth to request to take a rest more some time, either and simply support to rush about but go all the way with him.
On the road, his words are few, never say one more useless talk with me, the personality is extremely eccentric.And I, also there are no other words to be said with him and close on the heels of afterward.He says what, I then the darling ground does what, not much say, not much ask.
In the heart but very strange,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, he wanted me as the matter that he does to just kill the queen mother of Yu country, is also a very valuable mother that day.I don't think that I has that ability to assassinate queen mother, besides his under charge contains numerous bests, why only want to name me to go to?Have again between queen mother and he what gratitude and grudge?
Still remember that the Xi says:"If assassinate activity failure, you have to bear the whole criminal chargeses alone."
But my answer is then:"As long as I come to a my purpose in the Yu country, all everythings I will undertake by myself."
He was lightly just a Pie my one eye, didn't keep on inquiring again as well, just trusted a location to nod.He isn't afraid me will talk not to count?They river's lake want to control a person, not is should make him take a chronic poison for the purpose of control, then each one to order a son antidote, until task completion?Does this temple lord have so human interest?
The seventh day, we finally arrived the city of gold Ling.The street of prosperous jollification, the crowd of the Xi Xi Rang Rang, peddler threaten everywhere, the frolic plays a happy kid, the whole of the source of vitality all verified a matter:The common people are happy at the moment, national wealth the people is strong.This is a with Qi stateowned the good relation of emperor is very big.
Go by way of a few an alleys, all stick my portrait on the wall, hang to appreciate 100,002 golds.I don't feel burst out laughing, am I so worth money?See again to there are still on all sides many government troopses, hold knife all alone, keep a painting all alone, search everywhere.There are a few government troopses at pass by us of, just swept my one eye to leave, it is thus clear that easily permitting of the Xi Shu already to pass imitation for genuine article of state.
We stop for a rest in the most luxurious Inn inside the city of gold Ling and chose a most not eye-catcher set of rooms, after going in have no again once come out.
Xu a moment, we make change a night to go dress and receive noodles by black cloth, is jumped by the window way.He all the way all tightly the Chan wear my arm and constantly infuse to note inside the dint at my body inside, take my disease step to leap, resist breeze but go, the speed must make me see a not pure at present view quickly, his light achievement is the most outstanding in the person whom I once saw.Once turned over the temple wall of the door of Feng Que, once avoided a forbiding of return Wei, all the way and gingerly once added to accept for a sky, door, after finally getting into temple.
We together squat down at long living inside the Jing cluster out of the palace, hesitate desolate of long living a palace, "BE here right?"The Xi depressed voice to ask me.
I order, "is long to living a palace" hoping palace horizontal tablet is three words, the vision is a bit gloomy, unexpectedly produce a silk hesitant, "we ……still keep not being stealing to draw."
"Do not want to resume facial appearance?"He looking at there is very tiny Yun fire in my taste.
My finger doesn't live the ground stirs up ground of mud, "think another other ways ……"
He a clap to ascend my right shoulder, the energy is very big, I some eat a pain, he cold way:"Having already had no road can back."His hoop wears my shoulder, 1 puts effort and then trail I got into every where unmanned of long living a palace.
Star sky flicker, order if drill, illuminated journey for us.The summer insect blares to slice deeply and embroider green lately red if change, tiny red and delicate white, kiss a wall tree to move.Very easily and then got into inside the bedchamber, push away the split second of door, there is light plum joss-stick spreading, I in astonishment smell fragrant, so desolate of long living a palace, did someone come to once sweep?
The Xi closes a door well, push away a window to let the moonlight shine on into, I lend bright moon to dissolve light to hope toward about 100 paintings of vivid portrayals inside the bedchamber.Painting in all is the same woman-cut off beautiful Chun the Yuan madam of the friendship.I held breath and shivered to fondle that painting, true of ……be like too much!No wonder that first when the emperor saw me be unexpectedly been fond of eye socket by the tears;When Qi Yun saw me, unexpectedly overcome not to live own emotion.Originally, I with madam of Yuan is thus looking like, not ……this Yuan madam still want than me beautiful last several cents, pure however, take off a dust, elegant.
Connected to used to see the Xis of beauty all a bit dejected, disappointed sighed 1:"This female should in the sky have.Is the person in"regrets a , he then takes back to ownly rude in behavior, the Shu ground looks back to up and down conjecture 1 time all over I, " painting you?"
I shake, and then order and shake again.Oneself doesn't know as well should what speak of, fidgetily stretch hand to dismantle a painting book good, lightly say:"Leave."
"Someone!"The Xi alert ground is one eye in the door that hoped to close tightly, a grasp my wrist concealed the curtain of dime entering bedchamber is after.
For a long time, I just hear a burst of and small step voice spread, someone pushed away the door of bedchamber.My heart palpitates accelerates gradually, again toward in moved to move, force a passage through Xi for several cents again.Not and in a short while, the candlelight is big bright, the glow-in-the-dark of Yi Yi shines on full whole bedchamber.
"Your Majesty, is your surprise to take minister Qie to come here?"The Jiao is soft beautiful of voice the calmness that breaks inside the temple.
"To, this is the Yuan madam's bedchamber."Acquaint with again however of the light sound intrude into an ear, I don't aware of self ground to bring about act Lian

